Ponder Affirmations

December 13, 2011 by ChinaDollie   Comments (2)

I am the radiant child of God, my mind, body and affairs now express.His radiant perfection.. That, which is not, for my highest good---now fades from me and I no longer desire it....My God--given desires are richly fulfilled now in God's own wonderful way.... There is nothing, for me to fear..God's Spirit of good is, at work and divine results are coming forth... Nothing but good can come into my life, for God is in charge... Divine intuition is now showing me the way.. Divine intuition is now working in and through me, in and all concerned, producing easily and quickly the perfect outcome, the perfect result.... {{{{My Friends! You walk, In the charmed circle of God's love and you are divinely irresistible to your highest good now..}}}} "God's wealth is circulating in Your life... His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance, and I give thanks, for my good now and for all of God's riches.. {{{{My Friends; Everything and everybody prospers us now; and we prosper everything and everybody now!}}}} "God is the eternal source of my supply, meeting all my needs, at every instant." I know that my good exists this very moment... I believe in my heart that I can create harmony, health, peace, and joy in my life.. {{ And In all my friends around me..}} I fill my mind with thoughts of peace, success and prosperity... I have faith that these thoughts will manifest in my experiences.




I love these words and I aspire to have them come from my own mouth... God Bless

dollyred Dec 17, 2011 at 2:47 am Flag as inappropriate