In Memory of Barbara Thomas

Home with the Lord

Barbara loved Jesus.  She was the most spiritual person I knew outside of the religious community. 

Barbara was from Trinidad, where her love for Jesus blossomed after He saved her life and healed her from sarcoidosis.  I came to know her when I employed her as my live-in caregiver after a hospital stay. She taught me a lot about prayer, and Jesus' mercy and healing power.  She prayed with me that my illness be healed.  She prayed that my husband's heart would be changed and he would come home to me.  He had left me last year.

After she left my employment I continued praying.  Out of the blue, my husband said that he wanted to come home!  But, before I could tell Barbara, I learned that she had died suddenly in her sleep.  But, I know that she knows and is happy that our prayers were answered.

Thank you, Barbara.  God bless you.  Rest in God's eternal peace with our beloved Savior.

Thank you, God...thank you, Jesus for answering our prayers.  Thank you for bringing Barbara into my life.  She helped me so much. 

Praise be to God in His mercy and goodness.  All glory and honor is Yours Heavenly Father forever and ever, amen.