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Spend Well and Live Rich

In this edition of A Closer Look, Spend Well & Live Rich, author and financial expert Michelle Singletary encourages women to have a game plan for their finances, as well as gives financial goals for different points in life.

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Free and Clear: God's Roadmap to Debt-Free Living

In his book Free and Clear: God’s Road Map To Debt Free Living (Moody, 2006), Howard Dayton offers helpful insight into getting out of debt over time. He uses a series of "destinations" illustrated on a "Money Map" that can help you on your journey to true financial freedom.

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Keeping Your Kids Out of Debt

The average American child may view as many as 40,000 commercials every year and by age 3 can recognize 100 different brand logos according to In a 2004 Time magazine article the writer found that corporate America spends an estimated $15 billion to advertise directly to children and that children under the age of 13 influence $600 billion in family spending along with $40 billion that they spend on candy and clothes.

"You have to teach children about money intentionally – create teachable moments," says national radio host, best-selling author and financial guru, Dave Ramsey.

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10 Simple Steps to Becoming Debt Free

Because each person's financial circumstance is different, each person’s path for getting out of debt will be unique.  In Your Money Counts, Tyndale House 1997, Howard Dayton gives 10 steps to getting out of debt.  The steps may seem simple, but following them requires hard work.  Keep in mind the goal is “D” Day – Debtless Day, the day you become debt free!

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Step Into Financial Peace

Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, an extremely popular national radio personality and best-selling author of The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace and More Than Enough. Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.

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Negotiate This! The Art of Successful Communications

"Negotiation is the game of life", that's according to Herb Cohen, author of Negotiate This! By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much. Cohen is the author of the blockbuster best seller You Can Negotiate Anything and a practicing negotiator. His clients over three decades have included U.S. Presidents, corporate CEOs, sports and theatrical agents, the State Department, the CIA and the FBI.

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