Frontlines: Frontlines March 2023

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In this edition of ................Frontlines:

  • Reaching Out to Refugees: CBN partners are restoring the lives of Ukrainian war victims
  • Sleep Well!: Learn how to get a good night's rest
  • CBN Partners Transform Lives Through Clean Water: Thank you, CBN partners, for blessing others with clean water
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Frontlines March 2023 is available to all registered CBN Online Community members.

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Aqsa Bibi Oct 14, 2023 at 11:59 am Flag as inappropriate

Explore the latest stories in this month's publication of Frontlines! Access the interactive version on your devices via the provided link. For a downloadable PDF version without links or video, click the button below wazir azam portal

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On March 25, 2023, a video was posted on YouTube giving an overview of the frontlines and focusing on the battle.


mipijan54 Aug 7, 2023 at 5:27 am Flag as inappropriate

On March 25, 2023, a video was posted on YouTube giving an overview of the frontlines and focusing on the battle.
According to the Institute for the Study of War, as of March 1, 2023, Russian forces remain on the defensive in southern Ukraine but are attempting to set conditions for future offensive operations.


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