Recipes: Sunday Dinners: Salmon in Puff Pastry

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If you are looking for a scrumptious new dish to serve your family and friends – we have it for you!   In this edition of Sunday Dinners, Gordon Robertson shares his recipe for Salmon in Puff Pastry.  You’ll also want to try these delicious additions to your meal:  Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing, Glazed Walnuts, and Peach Melba with Raspberry sauce.

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I got recipe ok, can't wait to try!

horsecrazyjen Jan 1, 2011 at 9:02 pm Flag as inappropriate

I was able to print mine from the public library. My mom hates fish of any kind, but says the recipe looks so good that she is willing to try it, so pray for me! I'm new here, but if anyone needs a copy of this recipe, write me at God bless!

rrichards2k3 Dec 31, 2010 at 2:00 pm Flag as inappropriate

Able to download just fine . I will cook this for family and friends for new year party. thanks Gordon for sharing this recipe. :):):):)

ohdavid Dec 30, 2010 at 11:01 pm Flag as inappropriate

jgunter can not down load either

jgunter Dec 30, 2010 at 10:39 am Flag as inappropriate

I could not download a readable or printable version on Firefox or Explorer. Very frustrating.

copper m Dec 28, 2010 at 2:26 pm Flag as inappropriate

I could not download the recipes. Can you mail them to me?
Jeanette DuPont

Jeanette D. DuPont Dec 28, 2010 at 12:11 am Flag as inappropriate

Not able to read the recipes, it open with dots on the screen. ver disappointed.

damita B. Dec 27, 2010 at 11:59 pm Flag as inappropriate

I have had no trouble downloading the recipes anytime.

Roberta Dec 27, 2010 at 11:09 pm Flag as inappropriate

Ditto the above, no luck. I even tried to save it to my desktop with no luck.

lanadona Dec 27, 2010 at 10:46 pm Flag as inappropriate

I can not download either

Nancy Dec 27, 2010 at 8:40 pm Flag as inappropriate

Please put this in a form that we can download, I really want these recipes!

Chathamlady Dec 27, 2010 at 8:18 pm Flag as inappropriate

To all who can't download it...try saving it to desktop instead of opening it. Then right click it on desktop, and open with adobe reader.

Joyce Dec 27, 2010 at 5:35 pm Flag as inappropriate

Same as a lot of others, I want to open the recipe but cannot. Tried in several different formats, still no luck in opening the file.

cynders Dec 27, 2010 at 5:18 pm Flag as inappropriate

I can't open it either, it has dots where the words are suppose to be.

Michelle Dec 27, 2010 at 4:39 pm Flag as inappropriate

Hello CBN this recipe is only set to open with the adobe PDF 2007 version can you create another version that works with all versions please

Barb Esteban Dec 27, 2010 at 3:55 pm Flag as inappropriate

Also unable to read the recipe - whats wrong with the websight??

Roger Schaus Dec 27, 2010 at 3:14 pm Flag as inappropriate

Also unable to read the recipe file

jadenton Dec 27, 2010 at 1:24 pm Flag as inappropriate

I was unable to get a readable recipe. The lettering within the recipe was like a code. What's up?
Bernell Edwards Dec. 27, 2010

Bernell Edwards Dec 27, 2010 at 12:04 pm Flag as inappropriate

unable to read this file...yes, I am using Adobe
characters (letters) appear like Morse Code
what's up

bigbake2009 Dec 19, 2010 at 12:35 pm Flag as inappropriate

Same computer does not have the font noted and gives me dots instead of letters.

Charlotte Sosebee Sep 27, 2010 at 9:57 am Flag as inappropriate

Yes, my computer didn't download the recipes, either.

Jennifer Kiger Sep 25, 2010 at 6:44 pm Flag as inappropriate

I'm having trouble downloading the recipe? I've tried on two different computers. Apparently these computers cannot find the correct font and there must be at least a 100 different fonts stored on these computers. . . Did anyone else have trouble?

Chris Aug 11, 2010 at 10:08 pm Flag as inappropriate

I tried a few times and family (including in-laws) all loved it!!

geleetx Aug 6, 2010 at 5:03 pm Flag as inappropriate

Great concept! I've worked with salmon and I've worked with puff pastry in the past, but never this combination.

wcruise Apr 24, 2010 at 12:09 am Flag as inappropriate