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February 9, 2015 by Marc Canada   Replies (5) | 17 People have prayed

Father God I pray for all my friends and family here on my cbn for miracles of deliverance, healings of ... more

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February 9, 2015 by Laura   Replies (6) | 13 People have prayed

I have had extreme challenges this year and prior with youngest son Brandon 25. more

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February 9, 2015 by Laura   Replies (0) | 1 Person has prayed

I have had extreme challenges this year and prior with youngest son Brandon 25. more

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February 9, 2015 by Julie   Replies (4) | 10 People have prayed

Thank You Heavenly Father for leading me to CBN, which led me to You, Who led me to this Prayer ... more

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February 9, 2015 by PT   Replies (0) | 4 People have prayed

Why? I go to Church to say 'thank you' for Your mercies, I went through the recession and sold off ... more

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February 9, 2015 by Gail   Replies (1) | 8 People have prayed

Sorry - it looks like my last posting disappeared. more

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February 9, 2015 by donna   Replies (3) | 13 People have prayed

Dearest JesusThank you for my children. more

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February 9, 2015 by New.York.City.Radio-Girl.   Replies (2) | 15 People have prayed

I...was...diagnosed...with..one...of...the...worst...cases...of...post...traumatic....stress...disorder..doctors...have...ever...seen.this...weds...i...am..facing...a...federal...government....inspection...of...my...apartment...&....it...triggered...terrible...memories....of...past...experiences.what...i...need...is...a...clear.....head.....to....focus...on..what...i...need...to...do...before.....weds'inspection....from....8:00...a.m...to...12:00...p.m.-------&...to...feel....calm...&...relaxed....&.....well...physically.instead...of...feeling....wiped-out....&....at...the...same...time...soo...nervous..&..physically....very...sick.i...am...asking...for...supernatural...peace......supernatural...energy.....supernatural...joy.....&....".a...clear...focused...mind-"---the...mind...of....Christ....to....accomplish...what....needs...to...be...done...before...weds...at8:00...a.m.this...inspection....is....due...to...hurricane...sandy...&....the...federal...government.....wants...to...assess...have...their...funds...been...used...properly...to...re-novate....existing.....housing....in...the...state...of...new...york.i....just....need.....a...."""TOUCH...FROM...THE...LORD"""----inspiration......energy.....&.....peace&....i...can....accomplish....this....before...weds....morning....thank-you....soo...much.andrea more

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February 9, 2015 by Gail   Replies (1) | 5 People have prayed

Please pray for my husband's job. more

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