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April 26, 2010 by dana   Replies (3) | 6 People have prayed

please pray for our family that we dont loose our home, and pray that God will heal me from my ... more

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April 26, 2010 by sheila hudnall   Replies (3) | 4 People have prayed

Please pray for all my financial need.... more

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April 26, 2010 by wanda 1   Replies (2) | 3 People have prayed

Please pray for my family and I. more

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April 26, 2010 by Arleen   Replies (5) | 1 Person has prayed

I want to pray for everyone that is placing a prayer request, weight loss, alcoholics, to be set free, unemployment, ... more

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April 26, 2010 by rettacapo   Replies (1) | 4 People have prayed

Please pray for my son Philip. more

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April 26, 2010 by rettacapo   Replies (3) | 5 People have prayed

Please pray for healing for my husband Emilio. more

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April 26, 2010 by Wendell   Replies (3) | 3 People have prayed

Pray that God would restore my marriage , also that he will protect my family, and bless us financially so ... more

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April 26, 2010 by digitaldisciple   Replies (3) | 4 People have prayed

We are expecting twins through adoption and pray that all obstacles be removed and that the adoption proceeds smoothly. more

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April 26, 2010 by Nina Rosaes   Replies (2) | 7 People have prayed

please pray for me that god will heal my broken heart,and this bitterness that i hold inside of me. more

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