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July 21, 2017 by Mrs.Need for prayer   Replies (1) | 13 People have prayed

I been recently breaking out acne bad, oily face and months of menstrual lost. more

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July 21, 2017 by Dianne E P Salas   Replies (2) | 9 People have prayed

Heavenly Father I believe and trust in your words John 14:14 you said ask any thing and I will do ... more

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July 21, 2017 by ATYP Girl   Replies (0) | 5 People have prayed

Jesus, I've been extremely lethargic and fatigue for no reasons for days. more

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July 21, 2017 by Sir Vino Pasquale   Replies (0) | 4 People have prayed

I praise and thank You Father for all You have done for me and for where you have brought me.I more

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July 21, 2017 by PrayerBear1   Replies (1) | 5 People have prayed

Hello, asking for prayer for health specifically that God would give doctors knowledge on how to help me with chronic ... more

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July 21, 2017 by Danny Dan   Replies (0) | 5 People have prayed

pls pray for my mouth pain,throat pain cant eat or talk pls my dear lord pls restore my health and ... more

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July 21, 2017 by Danny Dan   Replies (0) | 7 People have prayed

Pls pray for akila she is suffering from fever and couldnt bear and no strength pls pray that god heal ... more

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