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Extreme Couponing Basics

Download our free “Extreme Couponing Basics” fact sheet and learn to save lots of money on the things you buy.

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Extreme Couponing Basics (B&W)

Download our free “Extreme Couponing Basics” fact sheet and learn to save lots of money on the things you buy.

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Uncommon Sense About Your Money

Certified Financial Planner Steve Repak shares six keys for building wealth.

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Uncommon Sense About Your Money (black & white version)

Certified Financial Planner Steve Repak shares six keys for building wealth.

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Buy Smarter, Spend Smarter, and Save Money

In this edition of A Closer Look: “Buy Smarter, Spend Smarter, and Save Money,” financial expert and radio host Clark Howard shows you how to get the most out of every dollar!

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Homemade Cleaning Recipes

Author Angela Coffman, a.k.a. “The Grocery Shrink,” knows the cost of cleaning products can add up fast. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Homemade Cleaning Recipes,” Coffman shares recipes for cleaning products that will make your house shine for a fraction of the retail price.

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Shrink Your Grocery Bills

Angela Coffman, a.k.a. “The Grocery Shrink,” believes anyone can learn to be frugal.  She says getting control over your food budget, one of the biggest areas of wasteful spending in America, is key. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Shrink Your Grocery Bills,” Coffman shares 10 tips you can use now to get your food budget under control.

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Your Guide to Savvy Holiday Shopping

Create your own money-saving holiday shopping plan with these five tips from “The Coupon Mom,” author Stephanie Nelson.

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Free Fact Sheet: The Best Time to Buy and Save

It’s a common phrase, “Timing is everything!” And now, thanks to author Mark Di Vincenzo, we can learn why.  In this edition of A Closer Look: “The Best Time to Buy and Save,” Di Vincenzo shares some of his tips on “when and why” to buy to get the best value for your dollar.

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Secrets of a Happy Cheapskate

Author Jeff Yeager debunks the age-old belief that accumulating “stuff” can bring us happiness. Instead, he offered a completely fresh take on personal finance, teaching us how to enjoy life more by spending and consuming less.  In this edition of A Closer Look: “Secrets of a Happy Cheapskate,” Yeager shares essential secrets from thrifty individuals who are already living happily below their means.

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Are You a Millionaire in the Making

Author and businessman Anthony Manganiello knows firsthand about financial ups and downs.  After falling on tough financial times, he learned how to get out of debt and generate wealth.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Are You a Millionaire in the Making?, Manganiello shares his story and the first steps you can take to manage your cash flow and begin to build wealth.

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Discover Your True Wealth

Author and founder of Wealth Watchers International, Alice Woods, wanted a way to manage her finances that made sense to her. In the process, she developed a money management system that anyone can follow to pay off debt and build wealth. In this edition of A Closer Look: "Discover Your True Wealth," Woods introduces you her system and shows you how it can change your financial life.

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Five Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Out of control debt is something many Americans know all too well.  CBN News reporter Carolyn Castleberry says the first step in dealing with your debt is understanding how the credit game works and why it matters.  In this edition of A Closer Look: 5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score, Castleberry shares specific steps you can take to get your debt under control.

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Discover Your Money Personality

When it comes to managing money, are you a spender, a saver, a stasher, or maybe dreamer? In this edition of A Closer Look: Discover Your Money Personality, author and Money Coach Lynnette Khalfani-Cox shares her Money Personality Quiz. Understanding your Money Personality, and how it affects your money management, will put you on the right track to achieve your financial goals.

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Know the Signs of Financial Infidelity

Financial planners Scott and Bethany Palmer know that keeping secrets about money can tear relationships apart.  Learn to identify financial infidelity and how couples can get back on track. 

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The Physical Cost of Financial Stress

Two of the biggest stressors in people's lives are money and work.  With the current economic crisis, many of us are experiencing both financial and job-related stress. In this edition of A Closer Look: The Physical Cost of Financial Stress, Dr. Michael Roizen explains the effect stress has on our physical bodies and what we can do about it.

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Spend Smarter

Financial columnist Greg Karp says the key to getting out of debt and start building wealth is to face this truth:   You just can't out-earn dumb spending. In this edition of A Closer Look: Spend Smarter, Karp shares ways to save big money in three key areas: food, insurance, and telecommunications.

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Money-Saving Supermarket Secrets

Phil Lempert is the food editor for NBC News’ Today show, but to his fans he is known as the Supermarket Guru, helping them navigate the grocery store aisles and make smart purchases.  In this edition of  A Closer Look: Money-Saving Supermarket Secrets, Lempert shares quick money-saving tips you can use immediately to stretch your food dollars.

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Cash In With Coupons!

Barbara Franklin knows how to make the most of her shopping dollars. This savvy shopper has gotten hundreds of dollars worth of groceries for a fraction of the cost. Learn how to save money and reduce your groceries expenses today.

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Find Extraordinary Success

Author, speaker, and business woman Ana Mollinedo Mims says true career success is not necessarily gained by good luck or people who are well connected.  It comes from focus, determination, and a relationship with God.  In this edition of A Closer Look, Find Extraordinary Success, Ana shares her insights for success.

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