He Holds You

November 7, 2011 by Keith   Comments (4)

God never leaves you alone…

He never forgets about you…

He looks out for you and takes care of you.

You are more important than the birds

He feeds and provides for.

Trusting Him means to rest in Him

as your shield, your covering, your provider,

your defender and your friend.

It means freedom from worry, anxiety and fear.

It means peace to your mind and joy to your soul.

Come to Him; He is waiting…

Lean on Him; He is strong…

Talk to Him; He is listening…

Depend on Him; He will never let you down.

He holds you within the hollow of His hands

to keep you close…to keep you safe…

to deliver you from all your fears.

Thought Life

June 17, 2011 by Keith   Comments (10)

What you think about will ultimately result in your future. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.” I want to zero in on that third one –sound mind. God wants you to have a sound mind because your mind is the access point by which Satan gains entrance into your life. He does not gain entrance through your body. He does not gain entrance through your spirit. He does not gain entrance through your finances or sickness. Satan gains entrance or access into your life through the thoughts that you are thinking. The battle that we are facing is the battle in our minds. It’s the battle between our ears, folks! That is where the battle is won – that is where the battle is lost. It is between our ears –it’s in our heads. This is why Satan fights so much in our thought life, and he understands the root to everything in our lives is what we think about. Let me show you how your thoughts will ultimately result in your future. This is the path of progression:

Your thoughts will determine you decisions;

Your decisions will determine your actions;

Your actions will become your habits;

Your habits develop your character; and

Your character will determine your destiny.

Thought life- Decisions- Actions- Habits -Character -Destiny

If you’re at all concerned about your destiny, and I believe every one of us should be, then you need to get a hold of this. Isn’t it important that we fulfill God’s destiny for our life?

Yet, our destiny is not at all what we need to be concerned about. Let me put it to you this way: If you’re concerned about your destiny or your habits or your actions or decisions, you only need to work on one thing – your thought life. Because your thought life is the root of all those other things. Those other things are the fruit.

The devil is trying to get your thought life. We’ve got to take it back. You can control what you think. Every thought needs to be checked in at the registration desk, checked against the image of God, and the Word. You need to be brutal with your thought life.

II Corinthians 10:3-5 is a key verse when dealing with your thoughts. We do not war in the flesh, but we bring every thought into the captivity to the obedience of Christ. We need to have mercy on people, not our thoughts. You need to take that negative thought captive; pursue it with the word of God. “Neither did I turn until it was consumed.” Read Psalm 18:29-38.

Mark 7:21-23: The root to everything sinful starts with evil thoughts. The gateway to every sin starts with a thought. And the gateway to every good thing in our life starts with a thought. If we want to grow in godliness, we’ve got to grow our thought life.

Real quickly, I want to give you Five Wrong Patterns of Thinking and how to change them.

1. The first thought of defeat: You Can’t Do It. The root that empowers: Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me; I CAN DO IT!

2. Second thought: You Have the Wrong Motive. The though comes to you ‘You just want to be blessed because you’re selfish. Who do you think you are? God says He wants me blessed! God calls me blessed, so that I can be a blessing.

3. Third thought: You’re not worthy –you don’t deserve to be blessed. Look at all the mistakes you made; you don’t deserve it. You say, I’m not worthy through my works; I am worthy through the BLOOD of Jesus. I do deserve it because God is a good God. I’m worthy because of Jesus’ past.

4. Fourth thought: It’s not going to happen for you. It doesn’t work for everybody – You say, you shut up devil, He did it for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so He’s got to do it for me. God is no respecter of persons and He says whosoever believes shall have what they say, and I’m one of those whosoevers who believes!

5. It’s Too Late. You can’t recover. Look at how much ground you’ve lost. Everybody is ahead of you. You say NO! In Jesus’ Name He that began a good work in me is faithful to complete it! Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith. It wasn’t too late for Abraham, Peter, Sarah, or Rahab the harlot. We’re not too discouraged, too broken, or too sick to be healed. BUT JESUS can take every sickness, financial problem or negative situation and restore it.

You have the power to determine your future by deciding to think right thoughts. Begin TODAY taking captive those wrong thoughts and putting God’s thoughts from His Word in your mind. Listen to tapes on what God thinks of you and how you can be free from wrong thinking. You will see your life change as you begin to put these principles to work in your life!

You're Just Passing Through

May 1, 2011 by Keith   Comments (3)

'Yes though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me' Psalm 23: 4

The psalmist David said he walked THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. That's what You must do in ALL the situations and circumstances of this life. You must remember You are just passing through.

When You feel as if You're stuck in a situation that will never change, You must allow God to guide You through it. When the devil says, "You're trapped", boldly say to him, "wrong ! I'm just passing through !"

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fiery furnace, BUT God brought them safely through the fire (see Daniel 3).

God's Word says He will provide that same protection and deliverance to ALL who put their Faith and Trust in Him. So believe it as You walk through the valley of Your own situation.

(Taken from Devotions)

Father we thank You for our protection, and Pray that we will cling to You in our valleys, we put ALL our Trust and Faith in You Father, in Jesus' name Amen!!

Resting in God's Promises

April 27, 2011 by Keith   Comments (5)

God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Though the earth should change,
And though the mountains slip into
the heart of the sea;
Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains quake at its
swelling pride. Selah.
Psalm 46:1-3

What does this mean to me--today?
How can I grasp it and say "this is mine?"
Step by step--let's claim it together.
God is my place of safety, my fortress, my hiding place, my shelter. Therefore, I am safe.

I accept this Truth as mine.

He is the Source of my power, my Enabler, my ability to perform and my ability to persevere. He is my tenacity, my strength. My very Life. I am not to meet any crisis in my own strength.

I accept this Truth as mine.

He is a very present help. He is here. And He isn't so involved with gigantic world problems that He doesn't have time for mine. He is interested. He is never away from me, especially when I am in need, hurting, weary, perplexed, or in a troublesome setting of any kind. I am never by myself. He is always with me and He understands.

I accept this Truth as mine.

Now, because I have accepted this as Truth, because I believe this, I will not fear. Fear only for myself? No, I will not fear for those who are dear to me, either. So I will not allow anything that might result in my experiencing apprehension, anxiety, or confusion to cause me alarm'because I can depend on Him.

I accept this Truth as mine.

Even if the earth around me (my environment) should be thrown into a state of upheaval, and even if the very mountains quake (those things I presumed to be unshakable), and even if the sea around me (the world and its multitudes) should become hostile and fierce and cause violent unrest, I will not fear.

I WILL NOT FEAR. This does not mean that my emotions won't go haywire, that my knees will never get weak, that my heart will never beat like a trip-hammer, or that my hands will never tremble. I cannot control my emotions or the effect they have on my body. I control my thoughts and rest in His promises.

I accept this Truth as mine.

When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul.
Psalm 94:19