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April 11, 2011 by Ron P   Replies (7) | 10 People have prayed

Well after not having a productive Christian weekend. more

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April 11, 2011 by Rachel Wasson   Replies (4) | 6 People have prayed

I have asthma and it is really bad. more

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April 11, 2011 by nanr18   Replies (3) | 9 People have prayed

I've posted a couple of prayer requests for swift justice. more

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April 11, 2011 by JaneK   Replies (2) | 5 People have prayed

Praise God for the brothers and sisters! more

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April 11, 2011 by Buchzy   Replies (2) | 4 People have prayed

I needs God's timely intervention against the manipulations visited against me at Hartland Nig ltd were I work. more

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April 11, 2011 by Frankie35   Replies (0) | 6 People have prayed

A good friend of mine, Melody Williams is having surgery today at 9am west coast time.She is pretty scared about more

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April 11, 2011 by kenasri   Replies (1) | 8 People have prayed

Please pray for me so that God Almighty to block&close all the doors/opportunities that are not from Him.Be blessed! more

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April 10, 2011 by kimberly97   Replies (2) | 6 People have prayed

in jesus name i thank you for all things. more

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April 10, 2011 by Sister Kimberly   Replies (5) | 5 People have prayed

and he has answered my prayers and continue to work with me each day. more

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April 10, 2011 by sweetbutterfly   Replies (2) | 6 People have prayed

Please pray that I can find a God fearing man that will also be a father to my children. more

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