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February 25, 2011 by Lees   Replies (2) | 2 People have prayed

Father, Your Joy is the sovereign balm for all the ills of the world, the Spirit-cure for every ailment. more

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February 25, 2011 by Kevin   Replies (3) | 3 People have prayed

Christ I lift ALL who live in Hospitals and Prisons and those who work in them. more

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February 25, 2011 by Kevin   Replies (0) | 6 People have prayed

Christ I lift New Zealand to You for mercy in the aftermath of the recent quake. more

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February 25, 2011 by Kevin   Replies (1) | 4 People have prayed

Please pray for the baby in Canada who is said to be completely brain dead. more

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February 25, 2011 by faith   Replies (2) | 3 People have prayed

I am terrified of hospital and do not have insurance. more

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February 25, 2011 by wanda   Replies (4) | 3 People have prayed

Please pray for me to get the lead postion. more

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February 25, 2011 by jeanette   Replies (3) | 4 People have prayed

Please stand in an agreement with me. more

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February 25, 2011 by keminie   Replies (3) | 8 People have prayed

Lord I ask You to be my strength..........bless my loved ones & me with continued good health......now & always......thank You more

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