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September 21, 2010 by Kevin   Replies (4) | 7 People have prayed

Hi, all, I'm asking that you press on in prayer for Tim, he called last night to say he is ... more

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September 21, 2010 by Jade   Replies (9) | 6 People have prayed

Lord I pray for full and complete healing of my jaw. more

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September 21, 2010 by Debi   Replies (5) | 8 People have prayed

Please pray for this 1000% pain I am in; mostly in the leg muscles & the neuropathy w/burning & pins ... more

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September 21, 2010 by Eddie Cintron   Replies (4) | 9 People have prayed

Dear Jesus, please touch Edith's daughter Monica and deliver her from all seizures and bring her home from the hospital. more

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September 21, 2010 by Derrick   Replies (4) | 5 People have prayed

Salvation of Cecil and other family membersDeeper relationship with God ... more

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September 20, 2010 by brianna   Replies (2) | 10 People have prayed

Lord i am asking that you help me pray at breakfast,lunch and dinner lets just say feeding time with authority ... more

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September 20, 2010 by Denise Colon   Replies (4) | 9 People have prayed

i want to get close to God, like i use to be....!!!! more

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September 20, 2010 by lisa   Replies (4) | 12 People have prayed

tiffany is in a fight for her life, please pray for her ... more

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September 20, 2010 by Sister Kim   Replies (2) | 9 People have prayed

Please continue to stand in agreement and pray for Lorie that the Lord will take her out of the abusive ... more

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