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April 28, 2010 by Rain   Replies (1) | 2 People have prayed

Please pray for the salvation of my husband Scott and family, healing for my son Raymond. more

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April 28, 2010 by irene1514   Replies (1) | 3 People have prayed

Please pray for complete healing for my mother. more

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April 28, 2010 by Veronica   Replies (0) | 4 People have prayed

Please pray that the Lord will open up doors for my son and his wife to get jobs. more

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April 28, 2010 by Paul Cannon   Replies (1) | 7 People have prayed

I have made a real mess of my life. more

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April 28, 2010 by mikeandfel   Replies (1) | 5 People have prayed

Please pray for the salvation of my brother-in-law Colin. more

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April 28, 2010 by mikeandfel   Replies (2) | 5 People have prayed

My sister Celeste was born with a cleft lip and is almost done with her surgeries. more

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April 28, 2010 by jollygoddy   Replies (3) | 9 People have prayed

Kindly pray for my younger brother who got married end of July and today they are separated with his wife...kindly more

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April 28, 2010 by jollygoddy   Replies (1) | 5 People have prayed

Kindly pray for my family as we have been shown we have a very spiritual warfare...I have commenced fasting since more

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April 28, 2010 by mmee   Replies (1) | 14 People have prayed

Lord send me True Believer's that really Love you, ( I could use a friend(s) that we may Lift eachother ... more

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