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April 26, 2010 by missanchez   Replies (4) | 7 People have prayed

Please pray for my husband that he will not have to be addicted to pain meds anylonger, and that he ... more

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April 26, 2010 by Catherine Aikens   Replies (0) | 7 People have prayed

Pray that my child graduates high school this June 3, he's been struggling this year, but he says he's been ... more

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April 26, 2010 by stanhoyes   Replies (0) | 4 People have prayed

His name is Vernon Blount he wants to start his own business that the Lord inspired for him. more

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April 26, 2010 by angel1958   Replies (2) | 5 People have prayed

pls pray for my 2 daughters,for them to have good jobs, for their dad to be financially blessed. more

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April 26, 2010 by stanhoyes   Replies (1) | 5 People have prayed

I want a wife young enough to have kids and the desire to be a stay at home mom to ... more

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April 26, 2010 by stanhoyes   Replies (0) | 2 People have prayed

I am praying for another job(Federal Government) and the startup of a business. more

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April 26, 2010 by stanhoyes   Replies (0) | 3 People have prayed

I am praying for the obtaining and full ownership debt free of my house this week and all needs supplied ... more

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April 26, 2010 by ed and ellyn donnegan   Replies (1) | 3 People have prayed

Our son Joey, needs a closer surrrenderd life to the Lord. more

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April 26, 2010 by Kim   Replies (3) | 4 People have prayed

Please lift me in prayer. more

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April 26, 2010 by LifesSmile   Replies (0) | 4 People have prayed

My father has had pain in his back for 22 years. more

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