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March 1, 2010 by spradlin01   Replies (4) | 9 People have prayed

Please also remember my marriage in your prayers. more

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March 1, 2010 by Deborah   Replies (4) | 7 People have prayed

I just found out today that congress adjourned without extending unemployment benefits and I will be losing my benefits soon. more

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February 28, 2010 by ChRiSta23   Replies (4) | 3 People have prayed

I just want to say thank you for all of my prayers They have really helped bring my family together. more

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February 28, 2010 by Debi   Replies (4) | 5 People have prayed

it's about the job, the finances, the bed the MS & all ....if the SS judge will agree to back more

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February 28, 2010 by Debi   Replies (4) | 6 People have prayed

Thank you for prayers for son & family. more

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February 28, 2010 by spradlin01   Replies (9) | 10 People have prayed

I am asking for prayer because I have really been persecuted by others who call themselves Christians. more

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February 28, 2010 by shay1111   Replies (5) | 9 People have prayed


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February 27, 2010 by Chantry   Replies (4) | 10 People have prayed

I do not know what to do...I have been married for 5 years and my husband moved out just over more

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February 27, 2010 by Baby Monkey   Replies (3) | 6 People have prayed

I have been battling a migraine today, and although at this moment I can sit up without pain, most of ... more

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