Health: Free Fact Sheet: Put Back What Medication Has Stolen

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Medications can rob your body of important nutrients. Replenish your body with tips from registered practicing pharmacist, Suzy Cohen, author of the book, "Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients – and Natural Ways to Restore Them".

Free Fact Sheet: Put Back What Medication Has Stolen is available to all registered CBN Online Community members.

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Skt Nov 1, 2023 at 5:38 am Flag as inappropriate

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Maia Larsen Aug 26, 2023 at 7:42 am Flag as inappropriate

¿Cómo funcionan las pastillas Cytotec Bogotá?

¿Dónde comprar Cytotec en Bogota? Es una pregunta que se hacen todas las mujeres cuando se encuentran en una situación de embarazo no deseado o inesperado, al usar el precio de cytotec, causan cólicos, náuseas, escalofríos, calambres, diarrea, fiebre, vomito, causando contracciones en el útero, luego empieza el sangrado que viene acompañado de coágulos, durante este sangrado debe salir el embrión, que es un tejido de color blanco que no se disuelve, es importante estar muy pendiente de lo que va saliendo, para confirmar que el aborto se completó de manera exitosa. Las pastas para abortar prolongan el sangrado revestimiento que cubre el útero. Después que se complete el aborto se recomienda durante 2 a 3 semanas de manera mínima, esto para eliminar cualquier residuo y el empezar un tratamiento con antibiótico, con el propósito de evitar cualquier infección que pueda provocar el uso del Cytotec Bogota

edisson guevara Jun 4, 2023 at 12:56 am Flag as inappropriate

¿Cómo usar precio de Cytotec ?

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Según la dosis que se requiera usar para interrumpir el embarazo, a continuación, les contaremos como es el uso de las pastillas abortivas cytotec comprar bogota.

edisson guevara Jun 4, 2023 at 12:56 am Flag as inappropriate

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Madmardigan May 25, 2023 at 7:55 am Flag as inappropriate

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Maia Larsen Dec 1, 2022 at 7:22 am Flag as inappropriate

The results from clinical studies indicate that Cytotec does not produce hypotension at doses effective in promoting the healing of gastric ulcers. Farmacia Bogota

Maia Larsen Sep 30, 2022 at 9:55 am Flag as inappropriate

Thanks for sharing your opinion in a kind way because I was worried about my stolen medication in the past few days. But after reaching on designeraviator I found your views conclusion and tips of restoring medications.

David Smith Sep 15, 2022 at 3:54 am Flag as inappropriate

I am type 2 diabetic and have a severe back problem. I'm on a boatload of meds. Oxycontin, Percocet, Xanax, Metformin, Tricor, Fluvoxamine, Remeron. I've been on these meds since 2004. Lately, I've been sleeping constantly. (With this concoction of drugs one would think it would put an elephant to sleep), but I've been fine until the past couple of weeks. Although I do stretching excercises, my back hurts really badly if I walk more than about fifty feet. I've been sedentary for 8 yrs and I'm beginning to worry about my heart. I've cut back on my oxycontin by 1/3 and doing fine unless I walk too far or do too much. Can you help me?

Jeannie Mar 10, 2012 at 12:57 pm Flag as inappropriate

The Coconut oil Fact Sheet can be found here:


CBN.COM ADMIN Jan 6, 2012 at 3:35 pm Flag as inappropriate

Where is the fact sheet on coconut oil

r.hummell Jan 6, 2012 at 2:24 pm Flag as inappropriate

My printer doesn't work and I really liked getting the FAct Sheets by mail but for some reason that isn't offered anymore. Is there any way that I can request FAct Sheets by mail... PLEASE ????

Viv Jan 5, 2012 at 11:36 pm Flag as inappropriate

copper> My doctor was in a bad accident from 911. He had lots of broken bones. He now takes Suboxone but, you must must ask your doctor about transferring over to it. You can't get it any other way anyway. And it is expensive if you do not have coverage. The oxycodones effects don't last and you have to take more and more. You also get night sweats, that is your body detoxing. The suboxone is a drug the doctor's are giving to people who are hooked on the oxycodone family of drugs like morphine, and methadone. I know someone who got off of methadone with it and, is now free of that drug for two years. He is cutting down on the Suboxone and he has no side effects. But, you have to do it right. First they give you Subutex for three days, then they give you the Suboxone. It is the best new pain reliever yet to come. You get enough for a month. It is a thin sheet like paper, that comes individually wrapped, you put it under your tongue. My doctor is pain free from it, and you can take the valium also with no problem.

Jeanette Nov 1, 2011 at 11:21 am Flag as inappropriate

To Darlen 50:You need to take at least 200mg of CoQ10 and Omega3 that is molecularly distilled for purity NOW.Please DON'T wait dear.And STOP taking those statins immediately I think Lopressor is one.And if you're taking an aspirin daily STOP that too,a recent study shows it causes heart failure!
My mom had a heart attack recently and they had her on about half a dozen drugs and she became worse w/ leg cramps,fatigue,palpitations etc for a long time...well I felt such a huge weight on my shoulders (after all I'm not a Dr) but I have been studying nutritional medicine for decades so I gave my burden to the Lord and began to pray that God would reveal to her the truth about Natural Healing Medicine and RX Big Pharma that profits fr our illnesss.Let me tell you she began to see the truth and one by one she got off every single one and replaced them w/ Omega3, CoQ10, Probiotics, B-complex, B-12 etc....w/ her cardiologists approval! ALL of those terrible side affects disappeared!And her cholesterol is perfect.God is good! Darlene go to Articles; is a good source of information about drug side effects and so is You go can also ask your pharmacist if those drugs are Statins.Take care and PLEASE don't delay,let me know how it goes.God bless your day and may His healing power restore you to complete wholeness in Jesus name amen:)

Lila Oct 11, 2011 at 11:55 pm Flag as inappropriate

I missed the name of the "gentle" iron supplement.

myers Oct 6, 2011 at 11:02 am Flag as inappropriate

Why have you made it so difficult to get a copy of the factsheets???

myers Oct 6, 2011 at 11:01 am Flag as inappropriate

There is a product made from the Moringa tree - most nutrient dense plant on earth, that has all the supplementation the average person needs, except for D3. Over 90 nutrients and is helping reverse many diseases. I feel it is one of the blessings God has given His children to break the bondage to pharmacai (sorcery) and this world system.

Jane Hyden Sep 19, 2011 at 11:34 am Flag as inappropriate

I just finished over a week of string antibiotic medication, and was wondering why I felt naseous and stomach upset, along with mood swings, it's good to know that there are foods and ways to combat this effect because I definately don't want to go through the side effects again.

Aeagle Aug 16, 2011 at 7:41 am Flag as inappropriate