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May 16, 2010 by shane   Replies (3) | 12 People have prayed

I know someone who says "they're not going to heaven" or "they're going to hell" about alot of people who ... more

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May 16, 2010 by Sister Kim   Replies (3) | 11 People have prayed

Pleas join me in prayer for 100% complete healing from these chills, fever, and other weapon satan is trying to ... more

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May 16, 2010 by jetflagship   Replies (4) | 13 People have prayed

Father, In Jesus' Holy Name, Jesus The Living Christ, please hear our prayers mediated to you thru the Son, Jesus. more

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May 16, 2010 by Grace   Replies (14) | 8 People have prayed

May the Lord God Bless You and Keep You, Make his Face Shine Upon You, Be Gracious Unto You and ... more

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May 16, 2010 by jo   Replies (1) | 9 People have prayed

Oh..and the most important relationship of all... more

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May 16, 2010 by jetflagship   Replies (2) | 3 People have prayed

In Jesus' Holy name, Father, Jesus- please get Donna to contact William so that she may apologize to him for ... more

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May 16, 2010 by GR   Replies (2) | 12 People have prayed

I desire a house, a home, for me and my kids, within a month and a half.Praise Jesus. more

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May 15, 2010 by shane   Replies (2) | 11 People have prayed

Okay so as you may have read earlier i went to taco bell to get a job. more

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