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September 29, 2009 by Britt   Replies (5) | 10 People have prayed

We live in a very bad neighborhood and we really would like to move, will you please ask the Lord ... more

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September 29, 2009 by womanof God   Replies (3) | 10 People have prayed

I too have an addiction and I want to be free from it. more

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September 27, 2009 by JO   Replies (1) | 12 People have prayed

My hub and I met a 22yr old in KMart and shes going to be going to basic training for ... more

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September 27, 2009 by JO   Replies (2) | 2 People have prayed

I have a big t est tomorrow I have studied all day so pls pray that I do well thank ... more

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September 26, 2009 by mary a-m   Replies (7) | 28 People have prayed

My daughter is a child of God. more

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September 26, 2009 by Janice   Replies (9) | 17 People have prayed

My son-in-law who is a Marine, him and his unit just left for Iraq. more

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September 26, 2009 by JO   Replies (6) | 23 People have prayed

I was doing clinicals in the NH this week and I just want prayer for everyone there-the residents and the ... more

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September 26, 2009 by JO   Replies (4) | 17 People have prayed

My friend is in a christian band(The Matt Brent Band) and they are going to record today in Nashville. more

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September 26, 2009 by Elaine_25   Replies (9) | 31 People have prayed

My best friend was raised Catholic and before was closed minded with the ways of the born again. more

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September 26, 2009 by John Schafer   Replies (9) | 36 People have prayed

Dear All,Please keep Gordon in your prayers today and through out the week. more

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