UPDATE on Matthew Hodge August 26th @ 4:37 PM, CDT

August 27, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (2)



Day 5 - Matt's evening had some challenges here and there. He has been struggling with a fever. It was running around 101.7 early in the morning. They brought in ice packs and a cooling blanket. During rounds, the nurse got it okayed to give him some Tylenol, and he got back down to normal. The rest of the day, it's been climbing off and on.

But because of the fever, they need to rule out pneumonia or infection. His lungs are clear, but they also needed to get some blood for some tests. They couldn't simply pull blood from the tubes already inserted because they might have bacteria, so they needed to pull the blood directly from a couple of veins. Unfortunately, they had trouble locating a second good vein. It was very difficult to watch.

The preliminary test results should be back in 24 hours (around 5 tomorrow morning) and the final results take 72 hours.

On a positive note, the swelling in his face has subsided and he's beginning to look like our regular Matt. His sister Abby and girlfriend Michelle just visited him and Michelle said, "He looks cute." That's quite an improvement from when he came in.

Obviously, the main concern right now is still the swelling of his brain. Yes, the Intra-Cranial Pressure is at a good level, but that's because of the room provided by the surgery. Also, we are still looking for him to awaken.

And another positive: Matt is reacting better to pain, actually reaching toward the source. The way I understand it, they bring him out of sedation long enough to give him a little poke or pinch and see how he reacts. Of course, we told Matt that the next time someone hurts him, he can hit them.

We had a couple of guests today besides the regular entourage of friends & family. John Schafer and Greg Flick from CBN flew in from Virginia to pray for Matt. I have been doing some work with them on a new TV show, and when they heard about Matt, they wanted to help out in any way they could.

Yesterday, they were promoting their new show "SuperBook" on the 700 Club and mentioned Matt's accident while talking about all the people that have been working on the show. So about 1.2 million people were told about Matt and were invited to pray for him. 

UPDATE on Matthew Hodge August 24 @ 6:12pm

August 24, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (6)

Background Story

If you are unaware, Matt was in a serious auto accident on Saturday afternoon, August 22. His car was struck by a train. He suffered no broken bones nor any internal organ damage, only a severe trauma to his head. He was unconscious at the scene and as of this writing is still unconscious.

Over the weekend, the Vanderbuilt Hospital waiting room was filled to overflowing with friends, mostly from the Page High School band, where Matt plays tenor drums (aka Quads). 


Monday, August 24, 2009 1:48 PM, CDT

Matt came out of surgery a few minutes ago. Signs are good. This was a drastic procedure, but necessary to save his life. A portion of the skull was removed to allow the swelling to go up rather than pressing down on vital parts of his brainstem. The surgeon did state that what he saw "was not a happy brain". The next 24 hours will be critical, but they are waiting to see if Matt will wake up and respond to stimili. The surgeon did caution us that Matt will not be fully the same Matt. But we are happy that we will have Matt. Sandy and I are waiting for permission to go see him.      

Monday, August 24, 2009 10:22 AM, CDT

Update as of Monday morning. Sandy and I stepped in for the morning rounds to get the most recent update from the doctors on the Trauma Ward. After going over his stats, they let us know that the bleeding in Matt's head has stopped, however his ICP (Intera Cranial Pressure) numbers are still high, hovering around the low 30's. (In the teens is optimal).
Dr. Poteet repeated that Matt's Age is the best thing working for him. They were prepared to induce a coma today to slow down his brain and body functions. 
Since we had a block of time between that meeting and official visiting hours, I decided to come home to get cleaned up and launch this site (there is no wi-fi signal at the hospital). 
When I got home, I received notice that plans had changed. The doctors have decided to take Matt into surgery to open part of his skull to relieve the pressure. That was an option that they didn't think was optimal yesterday. 
Please pray. Matt is in surgery at this moment. When he comes out, I will update this site as soon as I can. Of course, that might take awhile.  


URGENT Prayer Request!!! August 23, 2009 @ 10:16am

August 23, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (7)

Dear All,

I received this e-mail this morning from Rob Corley (director of Superbook: "A Giant Adventure"). Tim Hodge who is our storyboard artist and designer for the new Superbook series and formally was with Big Idea (director, producer, designer and storyboard artist) son was in serious accident. Please read the e-mail below. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks...

God Bless,



Hey John;
I just wanted to let you know that Tim's son Matthew was involved in a serious accident last night and was life flighted to Vanderbilt Hospital.

When we left he was doing okay, but we just heard that he had taken a very serious turn for the worse and the doctors weren't sure if there was anything more that they could do to help him and aren't sure he was going to make it.

He was leaving his girlfriends house and his car was clipped by a train. He sustained a severe head injury and has been unconscience since the accident. Tim's dad had died yesterday and he was out of town in Oklahoma and just got back this morning and is at the hospital with Sandy.

Tom, Jen and Sherry and I are headed back to the hospital this morning and wanted to ask you to keep Matthew in your prayers and pray for a miracle right now.


The Re-imagination of Superbook

June 20, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (1)

By Hannah Goodwyn
CBN.com Producer


CBN.com - Chris, Joy, and Gizmo are making a comeback!

These beloved Superbook characters are being re-imagined in CBN’s updated version of the animated classic. First airing in Japan in the early 1980s, the series sparked an interest in the Bible in the minds of kids around the world. Today, a team of talented artists, including a few industry veterans, is bringing these adventures back to life.


Recently, CBN.com sat down with John Schafer, senior producer of the new Superbook series, to talk about the project and how it will be used to teach kids about God.


You’ve finished the pilot episode, “A Giant Adventure,” about David and Goliath. How do you know what to focus on when telling this incredible story?


For “A Giant Adventure,” there were key moments that Gordon Robertson (Executive Producer) really wanted in there. The biggest thing was that the anointing of David had to be a powerful moment. He wanted to really show that no one saw value in David, not even his own father. Gordon wanted the children of the world to know… “You have a purpose. You have a destiny, and no matter what anyone says about you God has a plan for you.”


Of all the episodes we could have done as a pilot, we thought of David and Goliath mainly because we could show people the cool fight scene. Gordon approved it not because of the action scene, but he thought that it could really speak to people. He wanted to show that this kid was plucked out of obscurity to all of the sudden one day he is going to become king. The anointing scene was a very powerful one, and then he was in the chambers with Saul. At that moment, he wanted there to be a powerful time when Saul saw something David.


What Bible stories are you planning to do next?


We’re doing Creation to Revelation for the next 13 episodes. There are going to be prophetic signposts in each of the episodes that will point the viewer towards the birth of Jesus, his death, and resurrection and His eventual return.


We’re going to push the envelope. We are not going to do the typical Garden of Eden. It’s actually going to start off with the war in Heaven. That is the one thing that is unique with Superbook. Everyone just assumes, like with “A Giant Adventure,” Chris is going to face a bully and by going back into time, he’s going to learn how to deal with him. No, it wasn’t about the bully at all. His giant is his fear. We’re trying to make the stories relevant to kids, whether they’re Americans, Chinese, Indonesian, or Japanese. The one thing that will be consistent is the signposts that will point to Jesus.


Where are you at in completing these other episodes?


Right now, nine scripts are completed and three other scripts are almost finalized. Once those scripts are approved, then we go to Vancouver to record the voice-over actors. Then, we will move toward animating the episodes.


The original Superbook was broadcasted in more than 100 countries That’s a big act to follow. How do you plan to re-introduce Superbook to the world?


The U.S. roll-out is what we’re really working on now and internationally India is going to be our first market. After India, we’ll hit the rest of the countries where the original series aired and then move on to new markets, such as China and Indonesia.


The campaign in the United States will focus on Bible literacy, and the bigger focus is to bring the Bible to the children of the world. The original Superbook was able to get into areas of the world that no other Christian media could. Animation isn't threatening to most people, so Superbook was even able to get into Russia before the fall of the Iron Curtain. It’s a cartoon, so it’s a non-threatening form of media and we’re able to get in most anywhere.


What is your biggest hope for this project?


For me, watching people get excited about the Bible story itself. Kids today are inundated with so much media. Our competition is fierce. We have to be visually as cutting-edge as possible because if kids are flipping through the channels, we ’ve got less than a few seconds before they make a determination to stop and watch our show. So visually it’s got to be there.


We want it to be accessible to everyone. It’s written with modern-day kids that are going through modern-day dilemmas, situations that today's kids are going through. When Chris and Joy don’t know what to do, that's when Superbook takes them back into Bible times to show them how someone was able to overcome similar challenges. We’re doing it in a way where kids can interact with those main characters of the Bible. Kids that are watching it are part of Chris and Joy’s team as they interact with David.


When you’re sending the characters back in time, you’re automatically changing the Bible story. But, we’re doing it in such a way that they can’t interfere with David to help him beat Goliath; they are just spectators. They interact with David before the fight to find out how he thinks he can defeat Goliath when everyone else doubts him; and this is what any modern-day child would want to ask David.


One of Gordon’s big causes is to help Bible literacy in America, and Superbook is a tool CBN can use to address it. We want kids to get excited about the Bible after viewing Superbook, and then to go visit the show's Web site. You can only address so much in a 22-minute episode, but there will be an interactive site built for Superbook, where kids can learn more about the Bible. The TV show will excite kids to want to learn more about God and the Web site will offer them the opportunity to dive deeper into that relationship.

Hannah GoodwynHannah Goodwyn serves as a producer for CBN.com. For more articles and information, visit Hannah's bio page.

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