UPDATE on Matthew Hodge August 24 @ 6:12pm

August 24, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (6)

Background Story

If you are unaware, Matt was in a serious auto accident on Saturday afternoon, August 22. His car was struck by a train. He suffered no broken bones nor any internal organ damage, only a severe trauma to his head. He was unconscious at the scene and as of this writing is still unconscious.

Over the weekend, the Vanderbuilt Hospital waiting room was filled to overflowing with friends, mostly from the Page High School band, where Matt plays tenor drums (aka Quads). 


Monday, August 24, 2009 1:48 PM, CDT

Matt came out of surgery a few minutes ago. Signs are good. This was a drastic procedure, but necessary to save his life. A portion of the skull was removed to allow the swelling to go up rather than pressing down on vital parts of his brainstem. The surgeon did state that what he saw "was not a happy brain". The next 24 hours will be critical, but they are waiting to see if Matt will wake up and respond to stimili. The surgeon did caution us that Matt will not be fully the same Matt. But we are happy that we will have Matt. Sandy and I are waiting for permission to go see him.      

Monday, August 24, 2009 10:22 AM, CDT

Update as of Monday morning. Sandy and I stepped in for the morning rounds to get the most recent update from the doctors on the Trauma Ward. After going over his stats, they let us know that the bleeding in Matt's head has stopped, however his ICP (Intera Cranial Pressure) numbers are still high, hovering around the low 30's. (In the teens is optimal).
Dr. Poteet repeated that Matt's Age is the best thing working for him. They were prepared to induce a coma today to slow down his brain and body functions. 
Since we had a block of time between that meeting and official visiting hours, I decided to come home to get cleaned up and launch this site (there is no wi-fi signal at the hospital). 
When I got home, I received notice that plans had changed. The doctors have decided to take Matt into surgery to open part of his skull to relieve the pressure. That was an option that they didn't think was optimal yesterday. 
Please pray. Matt is in surgery at this moment. When he comes out, I will update this site as soon as I can. Of course, that might take awhile.  


Gracious Lord, you are able to do ALL things, in Jeremiah 32:26 you remind us, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of ALL flesh, Is there anything too hard for Me?" Pappa, the answer is NO, no the is nothing too hard for you Lord, so we thank you for Matt's Life, Lord we receive the healing promises by faith, in the mighty name of Jesus. You said ASK and it shall be given, we ask for your grace upon Matt and family, and receive it by faith, By Jesus stripes Matt is healed. And Lord, thank you for continuing to releasing your breakthrough, warring and ministering angels at the hospital right now as the doctors operate on Matt, i ask for divine guidance on every action done, may your anointing fill the operation room and inspire the doctors, nurses, Matt and his family with hope and faith that you are in control. Lord keep Matt's parrents encouraged at this time, keep all surrounding Matt's family encouraged and also remember all the relatives and friends of Matt. We choose to believe your word Lord, Matt shall LIVE and declare the GLORY of God, we praise you in advance for a turnaround of events for the good, and thank you Lord for a miracle of healing, strength and hope for the family and friends of Matt, IJN, Amen

Terri Aug 24, 2009 at 6:49 pm Flag as inappropriate

As we continue to pray for Matt and his family, let us remember that in God all things are possible, and that although the doctors say it will not be fully Matt that may return to us, he does not know the power of our Lord and the miracles that come from above when believers ask. The surgeons hands are guided by the Holy Spirit, but God will wake Matt up when the time is right and the healing process is underway. Let us keep praying for his recovery as he sleeps away the pain that the healing brings. God is the Great Physician and his hands are at work on this child of God. May God bless all those who ask him to keep Matt with us, in full capacities, for awhile longer.

Cyndee Aug 24, 2009 at 7:09 pm Flag as inappropriate

Heavenly Father, I come to you in agreement in prayer for your dear son, Matt. Father, You know all things, you know the beginning from the end and all of the in-betweens. Father, with this in mind, I ask you to touch Matt with Your healing hand, blanket him with Your love. You are the Great Physician Father, and in You, all things are possible. Please restore Matt to full and complete health, bless him, bless his family and friends. Guide the doctor's and nurses caring for him because You Lord, know best. Lord, You said: "I AM the God who heals you" and with this in mind, we speak this promise to Matt. Father, we are so grateful for all of the blessings that you provide us and the guidance that you give us. Thank you for a miracle Lord. Thank you! May all of the glory for this miraculous healing that we pray for, go to You. I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.

Jade Aug 24, 2009 at 8:58 pm Flag as inappropriate

heavenly father as we come befor you lord we ask that you lord the great physicain heal matt restore him back to his normal funtion lord what the dr. say and what you sat are all to gether diffrent lord you said by your stripes we are heald so lord jesus we are claiming this to you lord that you are more than enough that matt's health was bought at a price by you lord jesus and that you and only have the say over this young man lord reach down and touch his brain lord bind all injury to ir heavenly father and cast it in to the sea of forgetful ness lord we are asking that matt wake up and be whole as if nothing ever happened in jesus name and we give you all the praise and glory in jesus name amen and amen

sabrina Aug 24, 2009 at 11:16 pm Flag as inappropriate

Father, I know You are the God of miracles, You can make Matt be Matt. I have read many miracles that YOU have done Lord. Nothing is too hard for you. Restore Matt back to whom You created him to be. Please bring PEACE upon his parents, surround them with Your Peace. Lord You said, You are the LORD that Heals. So heal Matt right now God, I Believe in YOU Jesus. I believe in the report of the LORD. Thank You Jesus that you said, ask anything in My name and I will do it, so that the Father will be glorified in the Son. We are asking for full restoration and healing for Matthew, we ask this in Your name Jesus Amen.

Sylvia K. Aug 25, 2009 at 2:38 pm Flag as inappropriate