UPDATE on Matthew Hodge August 26th @ 4:37 PM, CDT

August 27, 2009 by John Schafer   Comments (2)



Day 5 - Matt's evening had some challenges here and there. He has been struggling with a fever. It was running around 101.7 early in the morning. They brought in ice packs and a cooling blanket. During rounds, the nurse got it okayed to give him some Tylenol, and he got back down to normal. The rest of the day, it's been climbing off and on.

But because of the fever, they need to rule out pneumonia or infection. His lungs are clear, but they also needed to get some blood for some tests. They couldn't simply pull blood from the tubes already inserted because they might have bacteria, so they needed to pull the blood directly from a couple of veins. Unfortunately, they had trouble locating a second good vein. It was very difficult to watch.

The preliminary test results should be back in 24 hours (around 5 tomorrow morning) and the final results take 72 hours.

On a positive note, the swelling in his face has subsided and he's beginning to look like our regular Matt. His sister Abby and girlfriend Michelle just visited him and Michelle said, "He looks cute." That's quite an improvement from when he came in.

Obviously, the main concern right now is still the swelling of his brain. Yes, the Intra-Cranial Pressure is at a good level, but that's because of the room provided by the surgery. Also, we are still looking for him to awaken.

And another positive: Matt is reacting better to pain, actually reaching toward the source. The way I understand it, they bring him out of sedation long enough to give him a little poke or pinch and see how he reacts. Of course, we told Matt that the next time someone hurts him, he can hit them.

We had a couple of guests today besides the regular entourage of friends & family. John Schafer and Greg Flick from CBN flew in from Virginia to pray for Matt. I have been doing some work with them on a new TV show, and when they heard about Matt, they wanted to help out in any way they could.

Yesterday, they were promoting their new show "SuperBook" on the 700 Club and mentioned Matt's accident while talking about all the people that have been working on the show. So about 1.2 million people were told about Matt and were invited to pray for him. 

Heavenly father we just lift matt up to you right now lord we ask that your mighty hand be in this and that you healing power flow over him in jesus name amen and amen father we also lift up all the other patients in the trauma ward father i ask that you would heal them and comfort the families in this un speakable time and i ask this all in the mighty name of Jesus amen and amen we give you all the Praise and glory

sabrina Aug 28, 2009 at 1:26 am Flag as inappropriate