June 16, 2011 by Christella
Comments (3)
I have always looked up to men of the cloth since they had a close relationship with God
At least so I thought. I find that all too many are caught up in worldly desires and only fool themselves in thinking they are out for the greater good.It will take one being steadfast in His word to stand tall against such profane people.
God's Love and Grace is immense and it is meant for all on this earth to hear. No one but you can choose Jesus, but you, yourself.As we grew up we read a great many books and our parents made sure they were of good biblical value, as was life surrounding us.We attended and studied God's word and believed because parents, family and clergy taught us well. It opened the door for His Word to take root.
I remember being invited to a home and realizing how sparse the home was furnished.
Quite amazing, it made an impact on me. I realized that in actuality they had it right! You see it is not what we acquire for worldly glamour but, what we take in our souls, In our hearts. In essence what we are made of.
I remember having a great respect for Rabbis, and priests. Both spend a lot of time in the word, they prayed so much, they often live very simple lives and not driven by worldly motives other than need for people or world hunger. They were wise and kind and never hateful to anyone. They listened when we talked or were curious. They were scholars and shared His Word with us. We were educated about all religions and taught to be respectful and mindful to everyone. They always had time for us. They never talked against anyone hateful nor distastefully.
. Our armour should always be the Word of God
Do not get me wrong I would love to live well and simply enjoy life, who would not? Worldly View.
I always wanted to travel, I wanted to see people in Africa or the Philippines.
I once told my pastor about this and he said why Africa?
Because they love God so much that they walk for miles to worship him all day. With a glad heart and joyful noise.
What a concept?!!!
And I need to learn what it means, to be humbled and set things right within me. I can learn a lot from them.
It is that reality I seek, humbly coming before him, bowing to his wishes and commands, diligently seeking out his word.
It is with great sadness that I see preachers out there preaching a Gospel I can not find, or those who proclaim to be Christians and are known for attending in their best dress on Sunday just to become and lead the life of a worldly person the rest of the week.
Or those who slander relentlessly against other religions or preachers, without remorse.
Instead of stating that how sad it is that they have a different view and how we should pray for them to realize their mistake. Instead the world has turned antagonistic and evil.
We like to undermine and be hateful to one another. We are truly shamed.
I guess if one had the heart of goodness and mercy, we would try to be decent and kind, compassionate and loving, we would be different?
It used to be the norm to be and live/act/speak as a Christian. We have now officially become the outsiders.
A lot of us even think we are better than others, again based on a worldly outlook. We have become so aligned with this world that God is not attainable any more. We are living as sinners condemned to this world.
I would challenge each and everyone of you to get up each morning and give Him praise, make Him the focus of your life,family, house and work.
See how your life will change, how His Grace and Mercy will surround you. All the sudden you realize, you are a person of the cloth because he died for us.
We are now one of his flock. So go out and be a fisherman of men, be kind and understanding, support those in need, lend a hand where it is needed.
Help someone without expecting something in return. When someone is being ignorant in their biblical babble let them speak, than God will put scripture in your mouth it will be to them like an arrow piercing their very soul. It will stay there and be so nagging until they come to God with a humble heart.
It is not I or any other Christian who are doing anything it is the Holy Spirit working on all of us, we just need to listen.
So go and be that man of the cloth and have a close relationship with God. Spread His Word.
Be Different, bold, walk tall. Take a chance ......
Superficially all of us can look good, just ask me. Every morning as I apply my make up I am being superficial.
Amen, Christella. All that we have & all that we are is from Our Holy Father, not from ourselves. May God strike the Pride that infests us out of Hearts & Minds.
noahtrusted Jun 17, 2011 at 7:09 pm Flag as inappropriate