December 5, 2009 by Beth Dow   Comments (2)

I had an interesting experience/blessing a while back.  I had a notification from facebook.  A high school classmate wanted to be my friend.  This was someone I never hung around with, that I could recall.  In fact, I wasn't sure, but, I thought I may have actually been mean to her, (teasing).  Well, I approved the request.  Some time went by and facebook sent me a message.  It said make______'s day, send her a message, so I did.  I could tell on her profile that she was a Christian...well, if nothing else, we could talk about that!  She replied, we visited giving each other our testimonies.  Then I asked her what prompted her to ask for my friendship?  She told me that I had always been on her heart....ever since she had become a Christian, (back in 7th grade), and I used to tease her.  She told me that she prayed for me.  She also said that after my Dad died, (same year), I approached her and asked her for prayer.  I didn't remember any of this, but, my hurtful words and actions were etched in her memory.  We have done alot of communicating.  I told her how sorry I was/am, she has forgiven me.  In fact, when I had stopped teasing her, I began to protect her from others that were as mean as I was.  Through our conversations, we found out that we had alot in common,  we had both experienced alot of pain and had both been victimized by others.  We acknowledged that "Hurt people, hurt people".  We both also had emotional/physical challenges during our adult years (we are nearing 50 now).  I thanked her for praying for me.  I don't know if there were any others that had prayed.  It took probably 25 years for her prayers to be answered, but, they were.  Now she sees the fruit of her prayers and persistance, the fruit of loving the unlovely.  We now really are friends, and I thank God for her!

Yes God is awesome! I didn't even know I had this wrinkle. It's amazing how God even helps us do our laundry! Lol My friend had every right to treat me like dirt, but, because she has the love of the Lord in her, she forgave me and loved me anyway, despite how I had treated her in the past, and we were both blessed for it! It is just awesome how God takes what was meant for evil and turn it to good! I have decided to reveal more of myself, hoping that it will minister/bless others. Today was a start. The more I reveal, the more that I will be humbled, and God will be glorified. I am hoping that my honesty will be a blessing to others. I am glad that my testimony made your heart swell with love,. Yes, God is awesome...and He never gives up on me, despite how I fail.....now that's LOVE! God Bless You J Kay, Your friend, Beth Dow

Beth Dow Dec 5, 2009 at 7:43 pm Flag as inappropriate