February 2, 2010 by Beth Dow   Comments (5)

Jesus sat beside me,

and watched me, as I cried.

He sat there like a stranger,

His hands, I kept them tied.

With the Bible on the shelf,

and no scripture on my heart.

I'd sit there all alone,

My life would fall apart.

One thing I'd always wanted,

was in this world to be,

a wife, a mother, sister,

a happy family.

To love and trust and cherish,

all of those that I held dear,

to never feel the pain of hate,

and never live in fear.

I wanted to be loved,

and be overfilled with joy!

To have a peace within me,

That no one could destroy!

A kind and gentle spirit,

a soft and loving touch.

I really didn't feel like,

I was asking all that much.

But the love for which I longed for,

was never meant to be,

given by a human,

Jesus is the key!

He was always near me,

right there by my side.

When I turned, and looked at Him,

His arms were OPEN WIDE!

Patient in His waiting,

with love light in His eyes,

the relationship, I'd longed for

and Jesus heard my cries!

So, don't let Satan fool you,

no man can fill the bill.

Jesus is my one true love,

my heart's desire, still!

Beth Dow 2007


Could have written this myself :) Thank you for putting down on paper the experiences of many of us. God bless you.

Baby Monkey Feb 2, 2010 at 10:58 pm Flag as inappropriate

Thanks y'all! Lol :) It's not mine...I don't do poetry! When God moves me to write, It has to be Him, not me. This is one of the poems that He put in the book,. I believe He just used my hand! I just love it when the Lord uses someone!!! :) Speaking of which, He started me writing this book, three years ago. I believe that He is showing me the conclusion. I expect that my time will be limited here, for awhile, as I respond to Him, in obedience. I am not a writer, so, I know that it's something that He is doing through me. I am so....not equipped, in myself! Anyway, I don't know how He plans to get this published. Just trusting that He is the author and finisher! :) He will open the door! If He truely called me to write my life story, to minister to others, He will make a way! Thanks again, y"all :) Love Ya! To God be the Glory! Your prayer support is appreciated, God Bless You :)

Beth Dow Feb 3, 2010 at 9:40 am Flag as inappropriate

Praise the Lord, I just got confirmation! I only know a few basics on the computer. I was going to need to have my daughter-in-law show me how to put the book on my computer..(word processer?) Anyway, she just sent me a text. ( I have never asked her to help me w/this!) She said that it had just come to her...to ask me if I would like her to show me how to use the word processer on my computer, so I could transfer it over from my scratchings! Praise the Lord! He's getting me moving forward! :) !

Beth Dow Feb 3, 2010 at 10:54 am Flag as inappropriate

Praise God, he WILL be your lamp to guide the way. Good Luck Beth!

"Little Darling" Feb 3, 2010 at 11:00 am Flag as inappropriate