The New Year

January 1, 2010 by Danielle Deitelhoff   Comments (2)

Well today Januray 1, 2010. It is the beginning of a great year and a fresh start. It's that time that you look back on all the dumb mistakes you made and all the good ones you made. Sometimes when I do that I get disappointed knowing that i did something that dumb. Well I guess that means you have to go forward and learn from those mistakes. Well need less to say it can be hard to learn from those mistakes. This time of year it's time to make not New Year resolutions, but to make goals for the year. I know, I know I still haven't started to put the things down on a piece of paper yet. Time has just got away on me. Well I can tell you one thing 2009 brought many new lifes into my family. My little niece MaKayla was born on August 17. And my nephew Isaac was born on October 28. This was the first year that's ever happened. Two babies born in the same year. I just love babies. I think they are trully a gift from God. Well I should go.

