September 23, 2015 by Denise
Comments (2)
Currently, the church is having the church revival. At one of the cottage prayers, my preacher requested I consider teaching the third through sixth grade. I've been in a "funk" for about a month. I have felt for a while that I have a "harden heart". Under a study group, we talked about loving one another, unconditionally like Jesus or God would. I realized then I was not I see the image of a person, how they look and I judge on outward appearance. I've stopped reading the bible and the notes. I feel like if I have a hardened heart how can I be loved and how can GOD say that we are forgiven all our sins if we be judged on judgement day with everything that is written? Why do I have all of the doughts and questions on my mind? Is it because I'm not following the commandment to give tithes? I took over billing the bills to follow the Dave Ramsey course and we are doing great. But, am I falling because of this? So, much confusion and no answers.