blessed oppression.

June 7, 2010 by "Little Darling"   Comments (0)

Sometimes I wonder... reading about the struggles of God's people, why it is so hard for us. Why would we need to work so hard to get by and get ahead. To go by month to month not knowign where the blessings will come from. But then I realise, our stuggles are a gift. Faith pleases the Lord God... we have the blessed opportunities to have faith, and trust in our heavenly Father who provides all our needs. It is by Faith we are righteous. What a gift. I need to remember my stuggle is a blessing. God is not doing it to me... He is working through me. I can praise God through my tears!


I remember too, how important it is to cleans your soul of sin, so that God's plans could be carried out in us.


What a blessing it is to know we will be restored, taken care of, without worry or fear. What a great God we have. I count my blessings tonight too... I had enough money to go grocery shopping. My kids laughed with me tonight and I was reminded how much they love me. I am finding direction and motivation to understand what achievements God wants me to have. Thank-you blessed Father for this time of struggle- I get to learn how to trust greater, hope harder, and be forever in awe of your Grace.


Now let the light shine through... Lord let me wake up with peace in my heart, and bless me tomorrow so I may praise you in my joy. Let me see direction and may your plan move in my life- heavenly provider- unfailing protector- awsome deliverer- and gracious hand of justice. Amen.

Have Faith. Know truth. Shine.