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June 22, 2010 by RLW1954   Replies (6) | 12 People have prayed

Please pray for me, Robert L. more

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June 22, 2010 by womanofgod   Replies (11) | 13 People have prayed

My husband and I have been having alot of arguments lately. more

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June 22, 2010 by JO   Replies (7) | 13 People have prayed

Dad went in for chemo today and they have postponed it cause his white count was down, so mom has ... more

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June 22, 2010 by Melanie   Replies (7) | 9 People have prayed

Please continue to pray for my marriage to be completely restored. more

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June 22, 2010 by Linda W   Replies (1) | 9 People have prayed

pray that the bank aprroves my loan for a modification, not only modify it but lower the interest rate.and please more

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June 22, 2010 by RICH   Replies (5) | 9 People have prayed

The day before fathers day and fathers day , ears quit ringing ? GIFT from GOD and JESUS ? They ... more

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June 22, 2010 by DirectMySteps2   Replies (5) | 4 People have prayed

Glory be unto our FATHER GOD, WHO gives us victory, through the LORD JESUS CHRIST,for HE is the GOD of ... more

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June 21, 2010 by Minister Pearson   Replies (5) | 8 People have prayed

Deborah Pearson is my wife who is a wonderful beautiful woman of God. more

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June 21, 2010 by JO   Replies (3) | 7 People have prayed

my cousin has been feeling ill all evening with diahrrea and vomiting, pls pray for his healing, he the breadwinner ... more

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June 21, 2010 by digitaldisciple   Replies (3) | 7 People have prayed

There is a spirit of poverty that is laying over my husband's family. more

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