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Jeremiah 29:12 Tent Card

Place this tent card where you can see it each day and be reminded of God's faithfulness to hear you.

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Thanksgiving Tent Card, Let's Give Thanks

Download your free Thanksgiving Tent Card and enjoy it on your table this holiday season.

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Thanksgiving Tent Card, Give Thanks to the Lord

Download your free Thanksgiving Tent Card and enjoy it on your table this holiday season.

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Raise a Confident Kid

Author Paul Coughlin helps you rate your parenting skills and gain insight on how to raise assertive, confident kids in today’s world.

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Smart Steps for Stepdads

Author Ron L. Deal says the goal of step-parenting is to join biological parents in their task of raising and maturing healthy, responsible, faith-focused children. In this edition of A Closer Look: “Smart Steps for Stepdads,” Deal gives tips to help stepdads become successful fathers and husbands.

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Love & Marriage

Today marriages and families face a tremendous amount of stress. Give your marriage stability in the midst of the chaos. Here are principles you can apply right now for a strong, successful marriage.

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Money Savvy Kids

Author Raymond Albrektson shares 5 biblically based principles you can use to teach your kids about money management.

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Firstborn Advantages

Psychologist and author Dr. Kevin Leman knows the birth order of siblings plays an important role in how they function in the family and in life.

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Protect Your Life Legacy

Paul and Lori Hogan, co-founders of Home Instead Senior Care, know how important it is to discuss health care issues with elderly family members before there is any major crisis.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Protect Your Life Legacy, Paul and Lori share 5 ways to talk with your loved ones about end of life issues.  They also give you the Life Legacies Pre-Planning Check List.

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5 Days to a New Attitude

Best-selling author and psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman offers parents a 100 percent guarantee that if they follow the simple strategies presented in his newest book, HAVE A NEW KID BY FRIDAY - How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior & Character in 5 Days (Revell 2008), that in just five days they will have a “good kid” on their hands. In addition, parents will enjoy a new atmosphere of mutual respect, love, and accountability in their home.

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How To Pray for Your Teen

It’s never been tougher to be a teenager—or the parent of a teenager. Just ask author and speaker, Jodie Berndt, the mother of three teens and one pre-teen. Berndt has written several books, including two on prayer: Praying the Scriptures for Your Children(Zondervan 2001) and Praying the Scriptures for Your Teenager(Zondervan 2007). Berndt  offers a number of ways you can Pray the Scriptures for your teen.

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You Can Raise a Strong Child

Author and speaker Paul Coughlin says many Christian and non-Christian parents today are raising kids who are soft, compliant, and pleasant instead of assertive, courageous, and virtuous.  And by doing so, they are preventing their children from developing the abilities needed to deal with conflict, making them a potential target for bullies.  In this edition of A Closer Look: You Can Raise a Strong Child, Coughlin shares a self test for moms and dads to rate their parenting skills

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A Closer Look: Cool, Calm and Connected Parenting

Marriage and family therapist, Hal Runkel says that all parents experience a universal struggle: they all feel incredibly anxious about their kids and the choices their kids are making – and they don't know what to do about it. In this edition of A Closer Look: Cool, Calm and Connected Parenting, Runkel shares the tips from his new book, Screamfree Parenting.

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Know Your Man’s Needs

Ever wonder what’s really going on in the mind of your man? Best-selling and award-winning author Dr. Kevin Leman can tell you what your man craves the most.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Know Your Man's Needs, Dr. Leman shares three foundational needs that  every man has and that every woman needs to know. 

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The Perfectly Fed Marriage

Dr. Laura Schlessinger believes that most marriage problems can be healed as long as both partners are willing to examine their own behavior and commit to taking loving action.  In this edition of A Closer Look, The Perfectly Fed Marriage, Dr. Laura gives you six of her ten tools to help couples avoid or repair common pitfalls of marriage.

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Happy, Healthy Kids and Families

In this edition of A Closer Look, Happy, Healthy Kids and Families, Dr. Gregory Jantz takes parents through the basics of creating a realistic, get-healthy plan for the whole family, including specific tips to help your child SOAR.  

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Nanny's Five C's of Successful Parenting

Since today's parents are so overwhelmed with schedules and demands, they have little time to hone their parenting skills and many have quickly become reliant upon the expertise of these full-time, career caregivers. Enter "Nanny to the Rescue! Straight Talk and Super Tips for Parenting in the Early Years (From Birth to Six)". In this new, practical, and reliable resource, author Michelle LaRowe, 2004 International Nanny Association "Nanny of the Year," gives her tried and true solutions to childcare.

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Bad Beginnings Can Lead to a Good Life

Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a bestselling author and an internationally syndicated radio host, has notice a trend articulated by many of her listeners -- a hurtful childhood has led to an unhappy adulthood, with callers feeling stuck because they can't figure out way! Now she responds to this common problem in Bad Childhood -- Good Life: How to Blossom and Thrive in Spite of an Unhappy Childhood with a message of hope and a proactive plan for moving forward.

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You Can Be a Great Dad

Over the years, as Dr. Bob Hamrin and his wife Carol raised their three children, he learned from his family and from friends and business associates, about the joys and challenges of parenting. In 1996 he founded Great Dads, a ministry to train dads to be the fathers God intended them to be. Since then he has also written the similarly titled book, Great Dads – Building Loving, Lasting Relationships with Your Kids, Cook Communications (2002).

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Happily Ever After

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott are internationally known, bestselling authors who have helped thousands of couples to deepen their love and commitment for one another. Married twenty years, Les and Leslie Parrott say they've been on a twenty-year quest for good communication in marriage for themselves and for other married couples.

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