Every scar tells a story

August 27, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (0)

Every scar has a story.
What will mine tell?
What will come of this
when I&.rsquo.m better, when I&.rsquo.m well?

I want my scar to tell
of how I&.rsquo.ve overcome,
of how I made it through,
of where I have come from.

I want my scar to whisper
about the pain I faced,
about this very hard time,
about the marathon I raced.

But mostly I want my scar
to speak of something greater
I want it to shout
about my living Creator.

Let my scar be evidence
that there is a loving Lord
who fought my scary battles
and on whose wings I soared.

Let my scar proclaim
that all things work for good,
that by myself I couldn&.rsquo.t
but with my God I could.

Let them take a look.
Let them peek and see.
My scar shows God is great.
It points to Him, not me.

~~~ Kristina M. DeCarlo


just chucked my tobacco out, it is giving demons legal rights over me and Yahshua wants me to fight back not to get destroyed by them. .