Every scar tells a story

August 27, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (0)

Every scar has a story.
What will mine tell?
What will come of this
when I&.rsquo.m better, when I&.rsquo.m well?

I want my scar to tell
of how I&.rsquo.ve overcome,
of how I made it through,
of where I have come from.

I want my scar to whisper
about the pain I faced,
about this very hard time,
about the marathon I raced.

But mostly I want my scar
to speak of something greater
I want it to shout
about my living Creator.

Let my scar be evidence
that there is a loving Lord
who fought my scary battles
and on whose wings I soared.

Let my scar proclaim
that all things work for good,
that by myself I couldn&.rsquo.t
but with my God I could.

Let them take a look.
Let them peek and see.
My scar shows God is great.
It points to Him, not me.

~~~ Kristina M. DeCarlo


just chucked my tobacco out, it is giving demons legal rights over me and Yahshua wants me to fight back not to get destroyed by them. .

I am progressing well with the battle against 'mental illness' copy of a email and latest prayer request to remember when I forget to trust Yah and remember all the good things He has done for me

August 22, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (0)

 ..Your letter came at just the right time, I was considering opening a tin of food but this gave me the strength to Persevere like in your former Word of Knowledge for me. I prayed for your niece ..and I will pray again later, just gonna read some scripture now. I saw a video years ago of a girl who was tight with Messiah and He spoke to her, she done a 40 day fast and when she got hungry He told her to feed on scripture. I read for about 2 and a half hours altogether yesterday and it helped. I have been guided to withdraw more from the little time I spend not alone and just to be alone for a week or two so I can get prepared for revival. From what I hear in a real revival the glory of Adonai can fall and convict terribly of sin and it can be quite traumatic though ultimately as we know - All things turn to good for those who love Yah, who are the called according to His purpose. .. I think maybe the separate the chaff from the wheat is an encouragement to continue hardcore the Battle of the flesh and mind/thoughts. I saw a video that said about the wheat and the tares. The tares are the children of the wicked one as we know but there is also an inner meaning, I am the wheat and the tares are the evil thoughts which no longer belong in a child of Yah who has been chastised to have her wrong thinking and blasphemy corrected. Remember Paul was told to hand i think it was 2 people over to satan for blasphemy but it wasn't permenant. Like David used to pray to be delivered from men of the sword who are Yah's sword, so I pray to be delivered from the chastisement and acknowledge that it is Yah in charge, orcerstrating it and it is for my own good. Like Psalms say blessed is the man whom thou chastened and do not despise the chastening of Adonai. at the end of the day no matter who satan seems to think he is he is just Yah's puppet lol. So it's also a confirmation of warnings of what will happen if I don't persevere. yah has more than proven His love for me lately and I have to try and remember those times and not let the temporary darkness overwhelm me. The main reason the older generation of Jews were destroyed in the wilderness was for the sin of the 10 spies, their constant complaining and doubting Yah and wanting to go back to Egypt to bondage when He had more than proved His love for them and His power to defeat their enemies. I am quite pleased, reasonably pleased with fasting - I am on day 5 but I am still drinking coffee coke and juice I want to try to get a couple of days water fasting in. Not sure when I will stop probably when I give up smoking. I am up and down on smoking some days more some days less but still Yahshua is with me often Praise Him for His mercy and grace. I am doing better with the thoughts. Please continue to pray for fasting I can not ask too many people as we are told to do it in secret but He knows I am weak in that area and need support so Im hoping its ok to tell a couple people who can help pray me through it and then I just put it as unspoken on CBN. yeah another video said the tares are the seeds the thoughts that the wicked one sows in the minds and hearts of the children of Yah and we have to continually uproot them so we won't be overwhelmed and get stockholm syndrome and think we are actually children of the wicked one. .. I have been seeing on youTube and feeling it to stock up on food for a fair few weeks so I finally did in case of another lockdown for covid variants or monkey disease or food shortages and inflation. We know when the black horse rides completely it will be more famines and a loaf of bread will cost a full days wages. I am saying Psalm 23 everyday usually when I take communion. I saw a video about a prophet saying we are going through the plagues of Egypt again, the last one was the death of the first born starting, that there was a fad on facebook a while ago to post pictures of the firstborn child. So I am covering myself with the blood of the Lamb Yashua and remembering how the children of Yisrael covered their doors with the blood of the first passover lamb and the death angel overflew their houses


I have hardly been sleeping, only a couple of hours a night with a couple of 30 minute naps in the day usually, I am getting a bit grumpy and tired really would like to sleep more. At the same time I am grateful I am not still so depressed as when I was just trying to spend all my time sleeping.
Please pray for peace of mind and that I am able to control my thoughts like 2 Corinthians 10.5 tells us - Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of Yah, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah. I was once diagnosed with schitzophrenia, Yahshua has healed me a lot and I am trying to reject these man made demonic inspired labels of mental illness and keep trusting in Him to help me and it is working although it is very time consuming. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist, nurse, support worker and my daughter was there too, it was a web appointment and the psychiatrist agreed I can come of my injection for schitzo-affective disorder which is schitzophrenia with bi-polar, which is very good news and means I am progressing in their eyes as well as more importantly in Yah's eyes. I agree somewhat there might be sound reasoning in how they say it is a chemical inbalance but it is also clearly demonic oppression, Yahshua cast out demons with His Word and Power, He did not prescribe drugs. I am to go on tablets which should not be as heavy, soul numbing and should have less side effects, so Praise Elohim and thank you all for prayers. By Yah's grace I have overcome much of the demonic affliction but I still get a lot of voices hating on me and hating on Yah and blaspheming Him but I am finding it easier to cope so please pray for continued peace of mind. The Biblical Peace/Shalom that surpasses all understanding. I pray that I am able to get a deeper sense that the eternal life which is soon to come is much more important than temporary pleasures of life now like smoking which put in jeopardy the destination of my eternal soul. Also one unspoken. Thanks so much for praying, may Elohim bless you all and draw you nearer to Him these End Times.

warnings and promises from Yah about trying yet again to give up the idolatry of smoking tobacco

June 27, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (9)

His Direction

My Daughter,

Many times your ways may appear to be better than Mine, at least in your own mind. What I ask may at times feel uncomfortable or sacrificial, but I would rather you be in discomfort than experience the destruction of living your own way. I&.rsquo.m asking you to trust Me, even when it&.rsquo.s hard to do what I ask of you. When you obey, honor, and respect Me as your heavenly Father, I will give you so much more than what you willingly give up for Me. In the end, you will stay strong in your faith, and your heart will remain at peace regardless of any trials this life brings. My ways are not your ways, My beloved. They are higher and they are greater. My rules are effective, but they are not easy. It is in your righteous discomfort that you will remain safe and secure under My wing.

Your God of comfort

Pride goes before destruction,
and haughtiness before a fall. - ..Proverbs 16:18

Treasure of Truth

Discomfort is far better than destruction.

Sheri Rose ..



Apprehended By God

If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended. .PHILIPPIANS 3:12


Never choose to be a worker. but when once God has put His call on you, woe be to you if you turn to the right hand or to the left. We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has apprehended us. There is never any thought of &mdash. &ldquo.Oh, well, I am not fitted for this.&rdquo. What you are to preach is determined by God, not by your own natural inclinations. Keep your soul steadfastly related to God, and remember that you are called not to bear testimony only, but to preach the gospel. Every Christian must testify, but when it comes to the call to preach, there must be the agonizing grip of God&rsquo.s hand on you, your life is in the grip of God for that one thing. How many of us are held like that?

Never water down the word of God, preach it in its undiluted sternness. there must be unflinching loyalty to the word of God. but when you come to personal dealing with your fellow men, remember who you are &mdash. not a special being made up in heaven, but a sinner saved by grace.

&ldquo.I count not myself to have apprehended: but .this one thing I do.&hellip.&rdquo.


Bible in One Year: .Job 11-13. Acts 9:1-21



Sincerity means that the appearance and the reality are exactly the same.

A wounded spirit transformed

March 8, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (15)

A wounded spirit, God wants to mend
To bring healing and wholeness once again

Where there's brokenness, God gives new hope
And waters our souls to bring new growth

When we have no one, He calls us His friend
And forgives our sins, so we're not condemned

His love goes deep and covers our sin,
So His light may shine brightly within

Dispelling darkness and deep despair,
His love is constant and always near

The cleansing streams of God's sweet grace
Washes over us as we embrace

His holy word that came to life
In the person of His Son, Jesus Christ,

Who brings to us life, hope and love
And eternal blessings from His throne above

I could never want anything more
Than forgiveness and healing from my Lord

For we shall not stay wounded or dismayed,
But be transformed by the word He gave

And with His spirit sent to comfort us,
We shall emerge with faith, hope and love.

~~~ M. S. Lowndes

the man in the glory - reminder the 3rd one that He is knocking at the door and I have to hurry up and open it

February 12, 2022 by Michelle   Comments (35)

The Man in the Glory
...the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5
I wake in the morning with thoughts of His love
Who is living for me in the glory above,
Ev'ry minute expecting He'll call me away,
And that keeps me bright all the rest of the day.

But the moments speed forward, and on comes the noon
Yet still I am singing: "He'll come very soon."
And thus I am watching from morning till night
And pluming my wings to be ready for flight.

There's a Man in the glory I know very well
I have known Him for years, and His goodness can tell:
One day in His mercy He knock'd at my door,
And seeking admission, knock'd many times o'er.

But when I went to Him, and stood face to face,
And listen'd awhile to His story of grace,
How He suffer' d for sinners, and put away sin,
I heartily, thankfully welcomed Him in.

We have lived on together a number of years,
And that's why I neither have doubtings nor fears,
For my sins are all hid in the depths of the sea,
They were carried down there by the Man on the tree.

I am often surprised why the lip should be curl'd,
When I speak of my Lord to the man of the world.
And notice with sorrow his look of disdain,
When I tell him that Jesus is coming again.

He seems so content with his houses and gold,
While despising the ark, like the people of old,
And yet at His coming I'm sure he would flee,
Like the man in the garden, who ate of the tree.

I cannot but think it is foolish of souls
To put all their money "in bags which have holes",
To find in the day that is coming apace,
How lightly they valued the "riches of grace".

As fond as I am of His work in the field,
I would let go the plough, I would lay down the shield:
The weapons of service I'd put on the shelf,
And the sword in its scabbard, to be with Himself.

But I'll work on with pleasure, while keeping my eyes
On the end of the field where standeth the prize.
I would work for His glory, that when we shall meet
I may have a large sheaf to lay down at His feet.

That He too, with pleasure His fruit may review:
Is the Man in the glory a stranger to you?
A stranger to Jesus, what, do you know
He is washing poor sinners much whiter than snow?

Have you lived in a land where the Bible's unknown,
That you don't know the Man who is now on the throne?
Ah, did you but know half His beauty and power
You would not be a stranger another half&.ndash.hour.

I have known Him so long that I'm able to say,
The very worst sinner He'll not turn away.
The question of sin, I adoringly see,
The Man in the glory has settled for me.

And as to my footsteps whatever the scene,
The Man in the glory is keeping me clean.
And therefore I'm singing from morning till night
The Man in the glory is all my delight.
~~~ George Cutting

lusts of the flesh

December 2, 2021 by Michelle   Comments (29)

friday 3rd dec 4.10am. . .


I am still having trouble overcoming the lusts of the flesh. I didn't get up at 2.40am when the alarm went off to pray at 3am but just turned it off was so tired. Just got up about 10 minutes ago and as soon as i got up i had half a tin of veg soup and a quarter of a slice of bread with a little bit of cheese. Then i found two rizlas and went to my neighbours garden and got some butts out of her astry and made a roll up. It's always hardest when I wake up. That means i only fasted for about 30 hours but i think i will try not to eat any more. .


LListening to the watchman the red horse of war is about to ride, I was so upset i made a nasty comment saying - why is God doing all this He sounds like a terrorist. No matter how hard i try i just cant get over my double mindedness. I dont want to go back to when i was hating God half the time but i just cant get my head around predestination. If he chose a few people from before the start of the world to be written in the book of life but not most of the people why did he create the rest of the people just for them to definetely go to hell it just seems so evil. I cant believe that at this time last year during Channakah i was so in love with Jesus and felt His presence for a few days and gave up smoking for 5 days. I feel like im going to have a schitzophrenic attack again from believing two different things. Im gonna pray now i dont know why

Is the rapture imminent, desperately trying to overcome the lusts of the flesh in smoking and eating before it's too late

December 2, 2021 by Michelle   Comments (1)

, , , , , , , , ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8eKTY-fKHY&.....t=609s - video by Tony Lamb confirming rapture is imminent. .....


Tonight, the 4th night of Channakah I have again chucked all my tobacco down the toilet. It is sending me to hell, i'm sure of it. So many people, including pastors, tell me it is not a sin that leads to hell. Even though my soul is dead inside due to lifetime of high level addiction, mental illness, rebellion and sin , I still feel deeply that it will keep me from the rapture and that I won't survive the Great Tribulation if that happens. .....

I have gone about 5 hours without a smoke, I have a nicotine replacement thing, i can't remember what it is called, it's like an inhaler but no smoke or anything comes out. I just got a roll up out of the bin that I lit at the wrong end the filter end yesterday so I threw it away. If you think that is disgusting, it's nothing compared to when I walk down to the local pub to pick up butts from ashtrays. Even though I know its disgusting, embaressing and could give me Covid-19 I still can't stop myself. This is an hardcore addiction, an addiction of the flesh and a demonic influence. I feel ashamed to write the things I do, but maybe one day, the Holy Spirit will guide someone also desperate to read this and if I manage to overcome it could give them hope. I take great hope from people on CBN telling me how they got of addiction and youtube testimonies. .....


I have a good addiction testimony too, Jesus delivered me from heroin almost instantly and methadone in a few days cutting down. I also used to do crack, speed, marijuana and some alcholol which I no longer do. I just know He didn't free me from all that to be a slave to tobacco. It keeps me from my life with Jesus, constantly on my mind while praying, making me come out of praying earlier than I desire. .....


I did have a great breakthrough with fasting last year. I fasted a lot, not all at once, I promised /god about 4 years ago that I would do a 21 day water fast but I have never been able to manage it. I did fast a lot, a few days and then one or two meals, a couple of times I messed up really badly and has a spirit of gluttony and was so hungry and demon bound I couldn't stop eating, but that hasn't happened for a few months, thank God, although Im not really trying hard enough to fast. Last year I lost about 2 or 3 stone, my psychiatric nurse was really worried she noticed how skinny I was when she came to do my anti-psychotic injection. She got the doctor to give me a telephone appointment and they said if I didn't put on weight they would section me in a mental health facility again. It was worth it though, I felt really close to Jesus and had my first love experience, this time last year, on Channakah the feast of dedication. now im desperately trying to dedicate my life to Him again. .....


I am going to write some scriptures and sayings that encourage me to fast and give up smoking, it will be good for me to have them all together to read when I go through temptation and just maybe it could help someone else if they ever see this. I have been fasting almost 6 hours. .....


And while your feasting at his table, .....

he'll tie your hands and numb your mind. .....

He'll take you further than you want to go, .....

keep you longer than you want to stay, .....

and it will cost you more than you ever thought you'd pay. - Casting Crowns song called Waiting on the night to come. .....


Physical obedience of fasting releases spiritual power, favour, help, protection, healing, miracles, blessings. From Jentzin Franklin. .....


For if you live after the flesh, ye shall die. But if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live. Romans 8.13


I humbled my soul with fasting and my prayer returned into my own heart. Psalm 35.13


He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107.20


For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8.6


And the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking (and smoking) but righteousness, peace and the joy of the Holy Spirit. The Bible. .....


Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the evil man his thoughts, let them turn to YHVH and He will have mercy on him, and to our Elohim for He will freely pardon. Isaiah 55.7


The righteous eat to the satisfying of his soul, but the belly of the wicked shall perish. .....


Return to Me you backsliding children, and I will heal your backsliding. Jeremiah 3.22


And I will heal their backsliding, and love them freely, for My anger is turned away from them. Book of Hosea. ....


Humility results in the grace of Elohim. As we humble our souls with fasting we have instant access to the heart of Elohim. As we deny ourselves as a act of concecration we are better able to exercise self-control over our emotions and desires (thoughts and feelings I add). Pastor Robert Clancy


Deny yourselves, pick up your cross and follow Me, only those who do this are worthy of Me and can become my disciples. Jesus. ...


Some evil spirits only come out through prayer and fastinG. jESUS. ...


Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke. - Isaiah 58.6


Galations 5.8 - For he that sows to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap ever lasting life. .


Fasting creates intimacy with Jesus - Pastor Robert Clancy


Ahayah's promises come to us when we fully commit our lives to Him, the premise is established by the premise of our devotion to Him. - Pastor Robert Clancy. .


He that being often reproved hardens his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy. - Bible


You cannot serve Elohim and money - Matthew 6.24


He that refuses instruction despises his own soul, but he that hears reproof gets understanding - Bible


Fasting breaks the bonds of wickedness and breaks every yolk the enemy has placed on you. - Robert Clancy


Fasting brings consecration - Robert Clancy


Fear Elohim, and keep His commandments. That is the whole duty of man. - Bible


Fasting is an opportunity for your wordly desires to decrease, and your godly appetite to increase. - Pastor Robert Clancy.


So you gave them what they wanted to eat, but their souls starved away to nothing. - Psalms. .

God is the cure for Covid.

November 20, 2021 by Michelle   Comments (3)

, , , , , , , , ,

Doctors told us undetectable and unseen all around us. Most of us did not it was right here, all around us. But Jesus warned us of coming divers deseases on earth and people will be worry and fearful of getting it. Well, they got it and now they sick again and again. Who can deliver us from this virus that will not go away from us?

Jesus alone can deliver us from anything satan brings to our life.
Healing rain falls on those who believe and trust His word.
Lepers of all kinds came to His feet and desired to be healed.
There were no vaccine or any medicine to cure them.
Only the word of the Lord can cure anything the devil brought to them.
Healing rain is coming from heaven.
Let it rain all over us.
Deliver us o Lord from any sickness that comes along.
You are the One who healeth all things.

Hear the voice of the Lord. I am the One who healeth you.


All the above is from Yonkers on prayerrequest.com. I have only written what is below

https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/us/scientists-mystified-wary-as-africa-avoids-covid-disaster/ar-AAQTcYk?ocid=msedgdhp&.....pc=U531 And here is some great news that God is protecting many Africans from COVID who have fortunately had hardly any access to vaccines. In the UK our stats are going up more deaths more sickness since more people took vaccine. This was a planned epidemic and we can't expect them to cure it, we have God and faith and His plants that often indigenous people know about healings that we don't. .....


Africa and India, possibly others too use Ivermectin regularly for Malaria prevention and this is what works as a treatment and a preventer as it's an anti-viral drug, been used on humans for decades and very safe even in young children if used properly.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROPpIWA6Q50 ... Pastor Robert Clancy - Daily Prophetic Message - The Flood of Lies during Perilious Time. ...


https://player.lightcast.com/zcjMycjN ..  ..- Injecting Truth series - Violation of Trust. Del Bigtree and Professor Dolores Cahill ..

took kids to church first time ever God is giving me a new heart

October 25, 2021 by Michelle   Comments (5)

things i learnt at church sermon - Obey and Trust. Don't judge. we are unworthy servants. fear the Lord and keep His commandments this is the whole duty of man. And Adayah Thy Elohim will circumstance your heart and the heart of your seed to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul, so that you may live. ..


conformation robert clancy do not worry what you should eat. .

sorry God I should not have called You a monster for creating hell and sending so many people there

July 10, 2021 by Michelle   Comments (4)

clearly there are spiritual matters too high for me to understand. I'm so glad God that you are humble, gracious, slow to anger and slow to judge. I'm sorry for all the times I have judged you, when it is me that is under judgement. You are the one who is beyond reproach and everything you do must be perfect and right, You are the only One who is loving enough to send Your only Son to die for us. I'm sorry and get it twisted and wonder why He had to die when You could have just forgiven us, You know best how to order Your Creation, If You say there is no atonement for sin without the shedding of Blood then I choose to trust and believe You are right. You have more than proved Yourself to me to be loving and merciful, I will not forget all the things You have done for me and will trust in You to deliver me from smoking and schitzophrenia so I don't end up in hell. Thank You for not killing me yet or letting satan kill me. I choose to trust what I can't understand all I have to remember is that like the song says - in the Light of Your Face all our questions die, all our questions fade away. I believe on the day of resserection we will understand all things and by then we won't even care we will just be so happy to be with You. Please please help me Greg and everyone to deal with our doubts and fears that You are not good and to cope with all the suffering around us in this world and not blame You. I love you God, Amen. Thank you cbn prayer partners for being so patient with me and your many prayers for me I love you all too and am grateful.

Jesus is The Truth. The Bible which is true, says He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. Your right we wont know all Trust until the other side, our finite human frail minds are not capable of grasping it. If you want to know even what we are capable of knowing in this life like we both yearn too, we have to seek a personal relationship with Him with all our hearts, thats the only thing that truly helped me feeling His presence a few months ago it reassured me of all my judgements against Him. We are a people under Judgement for our own sins.

Psalm 81 13 to 15 - O that My people had harkened unto me and Israel had walked in my ways. I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned My Hand against their adversetries. The haters of YHVH should have submitted themselves unto Him, but that their time should have endured forever. .