February 11, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

Walked down the garden,
The soil so soft not harden
Each and every flower,
Lilies,sunflower,carnations,rose flowers 💐 so cute and beautiful
Nothing could harm them,
The owner so watchful

Suddenly,I see these two flowers 💐 together
Wow, they looked so compatible,so loving,
Everybody in the owners family admired them so much
That mostly they wouldn't resist touching.

Then one morning,
I went to the garden and found that one of them missing
I ran to the owner and asked him if he knew what was happening
Surprisingly he just smiled at me and said,
The flowers 💐 are so beautiful to both stay outside
That's why he had to have one flower in the house
And the other one in the garden 🏡.....

Amen thanks .... May He bless you too and in abundance

unmerited favour Feb 11, 2017 at 7:58 am Flag as inappropriate