BE PATIENT (James 5:7-11)

February 12, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (2)

Brothers and sisters,be patient,the Lord will come. So be patient until that time. Look at the farmers. They have to be patient,they have to wait for their valuable crops to grow and produce a harvest. They wait patiently for the first rain and the last rain. You must be patient too. Never stop hoping. The Lord is coming soon. Brothers and sisters,don't complain against each other. If you don't stop complaining, you will be judged guilty. And the judge is ready to come!
Brothers and sisters,follow the example of the prophets who spoke for the Lord. They suffered many bad things,but they were patient. And we say that those who accepted their troubles with patience now have God's blessing. You have heard about Jobs patience. You know that after all his troubles,the Lord helped him. This shows that the Lord is full of mercy and kind.

May we embrace patience and learn to wait upon God to fulfill what we have taken to Him in prayers. May we never be ashamed of saying that He is our Lord and savior of our lives . Lord strengthen our feeble hands and feeble feet as your blessings come to us that we may be strong to get to that other level of our lives and we won't disappoint you Aba Father. May we keep on been patient no matter what and may we not come to you in doubt and may we not complain of each other. Lord may we live with love for one another and serve you with pure hearts ♥. Lord all the Glory we give to You, we worship You Lord there is no other God besides You , we love and Adore You in Jesus name Amen..... God bless you all