BE THE PEOPLE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE....Philippians 2:12-16

February 24, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

My dear friends,you always obeyed what you were taught. Just as you obeyed when I was with you,its even more important for you to obey now that I am not there. So you must continue to live in a way that gives meaning to your salvation. Do this with fear and respect for God. Yes, it is God who is working in you. He helps you want to do what pleases Him,and he gives you the power to do it.
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God without any fault, But you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like light in a dark world, and you offer them the teaching that gives life. So I can be proud of you,when Christ comes again. You will show that my work was not wasted -that I ran in the race 🏁 and won.

Prayer...🙏.....Dear Lord I come before you on behalf of each and everyone of us ,We lay our lives before your throne. My Heavenly Father strengthen us to keep on obeying ur teaches and to keep on know You ma Lord,my Savior. May we continue living in a way that gives meaning to our salvation and do it with our pure hearts,also with fear and respect for you my Lord. Aba Father may we do things without complaining nor arguing,that we may be pure and blameless. I pray that we will continue to shine like light upon this dark world and that we will offer them the teachings that gives life so that all people may enter in the place of rest and they may share in your inheritance. We thank You and we Glorify Your Holy Name Amen and Amen

Paul continues to remind the Philippians of their obligation to live as God’s called people. Notice that because of what Jesus did on the cross, believers have access to God’s power for daily living. And we can visit site to find someone to write our resumes extraordinarily. Rather than relying on their own strength and abilities, Christians can depend on the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

JohnDavidson Feb 28, 2022 at 1:12 am Flag as inappropriate