THE CALL TO ALL BELIEVERS.....(Reference: Ex.19:6, Ps.110:1-4, 1Pe.2:9, Re.1:6.5:9-10)

March 22, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (1)

-> All believers are called into priesthood.
. Gods intention was to make the nation of Israel a kingdom of priests. The same way all believers have been called to be priests (1pe.2:9)
. It is required of a priest to be faithful,able to hear from the Lord and do His will (Is.2:35)
. Purity and holiness is a prerequisite for a service as a priest
. God uses willing vessels (ps.110:1-3). It is a sacrificial call and requires giving yourself for the cause of God's kingdom
. The conduct of a priest must be above reproach in all aspects. This priesthood does not serve God with a Little leaven '(1Co.5:6-8)
. The priest should have knowledge of God and his instructions (Mal.2:6-7), (2Chr.15:3)
. Authority is manifested when there is separation (2Co6:17), (Ex.32:25-29)
. Our priesthood covers all territories,peoples,languages and nations.(ps.115:16), (Mt.28:19), (Re.5:9-10)