Enduring Soul

January 20, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

The words of the Lord can act as auxiliary power unit. If you are down you need to engage your auxiliary power unit the truth of the Lord and King Jesus Christ. You must reach into yourself your very soul and say I will not be defeated. You are never defeated unless you accept defeat. Even in purgatory you can make a stand and not be defeated. You can defeat your tormentors with the Lord in your spirit they fear you as long as you know they fear you. You are what you make yourself. Even when you are physically disabled your strength has no limits with the Lord. There is no obstacle there is no mountain that can hinder you. You have God and his Angels on your side walk like it!!! You are armored and unstoppable Love and righteousness flow from your every decision and move. You stand for what is right and what is right stands for you.