
May 7, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

I have been spending a lot of time outdoors in God's creation. I have to enjoy it, I have a truly Broken Heart and God keeps it going. I have noticed one big difference when this had little Faith it was weed covered and dry. Since I have woken up and tended to this lend it is Green and full of Flowers and birds. It is amazing how the enviroment reacts to the Spirit around it and put into it. I used to spend a lot of time near Mt. St. Helens, that is my very first memory. My parents always say I was to young to see it, but I remember it vividly seeing the ash cloud. My grandma had a house that would have been demolished had the volcano blown up normaly. It is amazing seeing the impact zone then seeing the area next to it, both Beautiful in different ways though. The Beauty of nature and the power of nature side by side.

Approach with a positive attitude a positive reaction is usually what you will have.

Approach with a negative attitude a negative reaction is usually what you will have.

The aspect that you view the world from can change your entire life. It is free and you can start at anytime. It does not require a therapist or a doctor. Embrace Love,Truth and all things good and that is what embraces you.