Taking a trip

May 10, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

When I suffered a severe pancreatic attack, it had began to disolve at my organs my left lung and I was bleeding out internally. I could taste my liver as I tried to stay concious not realizing I had severe internal blood loss. I was slapping myself to stay conscious, to finish my shift at work, lol Im stubborn. I ended up in the hospital the last thing I remembered was a nurse coming to check on me and without me controlling it my arm grabbed him, then I was out. Then I ended up in what was like a Dark flipside of this place. There were people torturing me and tormenting me trying to make me renounce Christ. They were telling me to just give up and die the world is better without me. Eventually I got pulled to the side so to speak and my torture was because of people playing with dark crafts and torturing souls, keeping them from resting, and I was given a mission. I was then pulled up above my body as I watched myself being rushed through the hospital, and Told "Look at what you have done to yourself, I have had great plans for you,- You will enjoy the end of days" I then ended up on a steel bed with straps and cold water running on me with no way to warm up. Then I woke up stairing out a hospital window laying in a bed full of tubes. I had been out for ten days.