May 20, 2010 by Jennifer
Comments (10)
Lord, you know I'm struggling with my fiduciary duties as Pers. Rep. for my mother's estate. I've more than earned a fee for 20 months of long distance administration and am trying to carry out my mother's wishes. So how do I deal with my sister who feels she should not have the remaining balance of her loan from our mother deducted from her portion of the estate? I know my mother's intentions and the attorney agrees. Please help me to listen to her emotions and concerns and help her to listen to my fiduciary responsibility to carry out Mom's wishes. I feel confident in what I have done and my explanations, but as you showed me in I Corinthians 6, we, as Christians, should not file lawsuits against one another. I know it was you who brought this scripture to me because in the daily bible readings, I simply thought I would only read the new testatment and switched to "new testatment only", thinking it would show me John 6, but I Corinthians 6 popped up instead! I definitely don't want a lawsuit, but I do struggle with letting go of my feeling "justified" in the fee and the way the inheritance should be split (4 ways) and letting you fight my battles. I know I NEED to trust you, but if I'm honest, my fear is I won't get what I think I earned/deserve and my sister will. More importantly I fear I will resent her and not want a relationship with her. Throughout our lives I feel like I get the "short end" of the stick. We are both Christians, so what's wrong with us? Why can't she accept our mother's intent? Why can't she see how much work this has been and how hard I've tried to "keep the peace" and be fair in everything? Please guide my thoughts, words and actions and give me the courage I need to call her and talk about this. Pour out your Holy Spirit on me, in me, and through me. Let your words be my words and your heart be my heart. Please break our stubborness and bring healing to our family. In Jesus' almighty name I pray! Amen and Amen!