Policy for Posting on my.CBN.com

July 16, 2009 by Kesha   Comments (170)

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Part of the vision of my.CBN.com is to create a place where users can grow in their faith, support their favorite missions and discuss issues regarding their own walks with God.

In an effort to clarify how interaction within the community should be conducted, we want to outline a Posting Policy for my.CBN.com. These guidelines pertain to social interaction between users (for our legal policies and specific issues, please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.)

Reporting Content: my.CBN.com allows for open discussions that do not require pre-moderation. We rely heavily on our users to report inappropriate content. This content will be quickly reviewed by our staff and taken down if necessary.

Content that constitutes being reported is anything that contains profanity, obscenities, is meant to instigate hostility, is purposefully insulting to other users or otherwise violates our Terms of Use Agreements.

Disagreements Between Users: Within any large community, there will be the exchange of ideas and, inevitably at times, differences of opinions. Disagreements in civil discussions about issues are unavoidable. It’s important to remember that users are entitled to their opinions and as long as discussions remain respectful to one-another, differing opinions do not constitute being reported. Please remember that when discussing theology, social issues and things of denominational differences, that open discussion is encouraged as long as it is respectful and does not violate our basic terms.

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19, NIV).

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (4:2-3).

I don't know anyone. I just want to pray for people, share personal thoughts that may encourage someone somehow. Thanks

blunoodles Jul 28, 2009 at 5:39 am Flag as inappropriate

Check out this Prayer Group: http://my.cbn.com/pg/groups/2418/prayers-and-discussion/ By clicking on "Join" you will be able to take part in discussions and ministry. Hope this helps! Thanks!

Kesha Jul 28, 2009 at 9:52 am Flag as inappropriate

i don't know my post is deleted 3 times i don't find any policy how to post on this channel

David Fisher Sep 12, 2018 at 8:06 am Flag as inappropriate

I don’t think that this is a valid question. Why they should not celebrate their religious event and now resumeedge service share quality work. Things are discussed in a wonderful manner here. Christians should be allowed to celebrate their belief and their days according to their belief.

Samuel Gates Aug 21, 2020 at 2:48 am Flag as inappropriate