Prayer Requests on myCBN

March 16, 2010 by Kesha   Comments (57)

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For the last few months, since we’ve made the Prayer Request tool available, it’s become one of the most popular features on myCBN. Each day, users post their own prayer needs and pray for others.


If you have a prayer need, or just want to reach out and pray for others in need, check out the Prayer Request tool (it’s linked to in your navigation).



Answers to Spiritual Questions

July 28, 2009 by Kesha   Comments (76)

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Since first launched, we’ve seen a lot of great discussions in our Groups and Discussion Topics. Part of the vision of is to create a community of believers who help each other grow in their faith.

But with such a large community of users, there will inevitably be different views and interpretations of scriptures. Please be aware that each user is responsible for the content they post, and CBN does not change or edit users’ posts. CBN also does not necessarily endorse the views of all its users.

Here, you can find resources and teaching from CBN, found in our Spiritual Life Section.

Also, if you have urgent prayer needs, please feel free to call our 24-hour Prayer 1-800-759-0700 to speak with a CBN counselor.

The Basics:

How Can I Give My Life to Christ?

This page breaks down what salvation in Christ is all about, and how you can receive his loving grace in your life. We’ll even walk you through a prayer and connect you with a counselor if you have more questions.

The Foundations of the Faith

The Foundations of the Faith online course will walk you through a biblical, historical and practical view of the Christian faith. Broken up into easy-to-read sections like "The Bibe", "Sin", "Jesus Christ", "Salvation" and "The Christian Life", these lessons will help you understand the essential teachings of Christianity.

Going Deeper:

Who Jesus Is

This free discipleship course takes an in-depth look at Christ in the Bible and his roll in our faith. You'll learn about prophecies concerning the Messiah, his saving power and more.

How to Study the Bible

God's Word provides the foundations for our teaching and faith. In this course, you can learn ways to effectively study the Bible through character studies, topical lessons and more.

The Living By The Book Discipleship Series

This free series contains resources on topics ranging from theology, evangelism, and the church, to marriage, career, finances and more.

The Holy Spirit

This section includes teaching on the Holy Spirit, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Church, hearing God's voice and more.

200 Questions

Here is a biblical response to 200 questions gathered with the help of the Gallup Poll organization about the Christian faith and living a Christian life. Dealing with everything from politics and family issues to the supernatural and prayer, these questions offer a biblical response to challenging topics.

Daily Issues

Topical teachings

Looking for answers about specific issues that you deal with in everyday life from a Biblical perspective? Our free teaching sheets deal with topics and questions about abortion, abuse, addiction, church, the occult, fasting, guilt, grief, healing, patience, lust, sexual issues, prayer, worry and more.

Video Courses:

Foundations of the Faith

This video series hosted by Pat Robertson is broken into 10 parts, which feature teachings on the nature of man, the doctrine of salvation, the apostles creed and more.

The Empowered Believer

In the second edition of the Foundations of the Faith video teaching series, Pat Robertson teaches on the Holy Spirit in scripture, the church and in the life of every believer.

CBN Spiritual Gifts Webcast: Foundations - An Introduction to Spiritual Gifts (RSS)

This collection of teachings from the CBN Spiritual Gifts webcasts cover topics like the prophetic, hearing God's voice, and healing from teachers including Gordon Robertson, Craig Von Busek, Christy Wimber, Jane Hammon and others.

More video teachings


Policy for Posting on

July 16, 2009 by Kesha   Comments (168)

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Part of the vision of is to create a place where users can grow in their faith, support their favorite missions and discuss issues regarding their own walks with God.

In an effort to clarify how interaction within the community should be conducted, we want to outline a Posting Policy for These guidelines pertain to social interaction between users (for our legal policies and specific issues, please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.)

Reporting Content: allows for open discussions that do not require pre-moderation. We rely heavily on our users to report inappropriate content. This content will be quickly reviewed by our staff and taken down if necessary.

Content that constitutes being reported is anything that contains profanity, obscenities, is meant to instigate hostility, is purposefully insulting to other users or otherwise violates our Terms of Use Agreements.

Disagreements Between Users: Within any large community, there will be the exchange of ideas and, inevitably at times, differences of opinions. Disagreements in civil discussions about issues are unavoidable. It’s important to remember that users are entitled to their opinions and as long as discussions remain respectful to one-another, differing opinions do not constitute being reported. Please remember that when discussing theology, social issues and things of denominational differences, that open discussion is encouraged as long as it is respectful and does not violate our basic terms.

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19, NIV).

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (4:2-3).

What’s this do? - A Guide to the Tools

May 28, 2009 by Kesha   Comments (59)

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Trying to figure out all of the tools on Here’s a quick guide to the features found in the community.


Dashboard: The dashboard is an area that only you will see. It contains your Activity feed where you can see what your friends have been up to and the latest happenings in your network. From the Dashboard, you can also post directly to the My Thoughts feed.


Friends:  Your Friends are users in your network that you email, share content with and follow. Clicking on Friends in the navigation shows you a list of your friends (to visit their profile, you just need to click on their name). To invite people to become Friends, click in the “Invite Friends” link and enter their email addresses. To find current people within the network, just use the search and look them up by name.


Journals: Think of these as user blogs—Journals let you post what’s on your mind, comment on your friends’ entries and see what you’re friends have written.


Photos: With the Photos tool, you can upload, organize and share pictures for your friends to see and comment on. The tool also allows you to tag people in the pictures and see where you’ve been tagged.


My Thoughts: My Thoughts is an area that you post your current status, short thoughts and say what’s on your mind. By going to the “Configure your Tools” section of settings, you can also plug it right into your Twitter account!


The Guest Book: This allows you to write messages on your friends’ profile and allows them to write on yours, just like writing on a wall!


Missions: The Missions tool lets you adopt your favorite CBN cause and set a fundraising goal that your friends help you meet. You can also easily track the results and invite others to support the Mission.

Getting Started on

May 28, 2009 by Kesha   Comments (71)

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Welcome to! Your place to connect, share and grow.

Getting started is easy! Here’s few a quick tips on how to use the community features.

1.)  Your Profile

  •   Your Profile is the page other people see. It displays your “About me” text, picture, Missions,   Guestbook and more. Filling out your profile is a great place to start!

2.)    Your Dashboard

  • You are the only one who sees your Dashboard. Here you’ll find out what’s going one with your Friends on the Activity feed. Also, in the drop down, you’ll find all the tools you can use in the community (Journal, Photos, Missions and more!).

3.)   Your Missions

  • Want to help raise funds for your favorite CBN causes? Through Missions, you can set a fundraising goal and direct your friends to help contribute to meet it.

4.)  Your Friends

  • Looking to connect with your friends through Invite them to become your friend and you’ll be able to email them, share updates, thoughts, journals and more through the community.