Prayer Requests on myCBN

March 16, 2010 by Kesha   Comments (57)

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For the last few months, since we’ve made the Prayer Request tool available, it’s become one of the most popular features on myCBN. Each day, users post their own prayer needs and pray for others.


If you have a prayer need, or just want to reach out and pray for others in need, check out the Prayer Request tool (it’s linked to in your navigation).



I wouldn't come here if not for the prayer request section. I've met some wonderful people here as a result of their care & concern, and of course, their faithful prayers. God bless each of those who participate here.

Baby Monkey Mar 16, 2010 at 9:04 pm Flag as inappropriate

God really existe, i been trying to get some $3.000 dollares to make a website that was going to go against facebook and all the Porn out there, so a Angel told me that alone i couldn't do it, so i asked everybody for help, but everyone i know loves Facebook and loves to worship it every day, so i kept on praying and today God showed me you guys and now i will use this web site to fight all the Evil out there, w/o spanding a dime, but hopefully you people can help me as well god Bless everyone.

ComeWhatMay May 28, 2010 at 11:26 pm Flag as inappropriate

I agree ,,,,facebook is just for kids and adults to be pick up ,,,,,u dont know ther real age and the pic they post up ,,,,,,,,there should be a limit or have no pics god bless and im glad theres other people that feel about me about face book ,,,,,,,to me its just goes against wgat God believes and teaches us ,bless you Barbara

Cupid1921 Sep 14, 2010 at 9:07 am Flag as inappropriate

Wonderfull comments. I just started here myself and posted my first prayer request but please remember brothers and sisters we must NOT isolate ourselves in a bubble from the world, preaching to the choir,we must light up the darkness. Jesus commanded us to be Salt AND Light.How will they hear if we do not preach? Let us not let the rocks cry out!! So please DO NOT close your FB account:)

Lila Jul 9, 2011 at 6:45 am Flag as inappropriate

Please pray for my daughter Brooke for deliverance from panic, anxiety, fear, and seizures linked to her alcohol addiction. She is on medication right now for schizophrenia, she says she starts to hear things and see things that are demonic and freaks out and has to go to the hospital from seizure like episodes. She has court in the morning for a DUI from 2009, she has realized she has a drinking problem and is wanting help, trying to find a long term affordable rehab center and then this court date popped up. Please pray that God’s will will be done and that the enemy cannot use this as a hindrance to her. Please pray for mercy, grace and favor from the judge and that she will not have any problems getting to court. Also pray for wisdom and direction to lead us to a low cost long term faith based alcohol rehab and detox center or the place that the Lord has for to go, please lead us and open doors for her to get the help she needs that is affordable. Please pray for a place for her stay in the meantime that is stable.

Christy Oct 4, 2011 at 12:03 am Flag as inappropriate

being lonely for loveing people is what I have delt with for years, I need to find the people that God has put on this earth to love me. I have lots of people around me who are liers, users, and opportunists. they do not respect me or seem to be able to see my worth. I want to find my home with people who lift me and empower me instead of people who riddlecule and try to demote me. I spend lots of time alone and I have so much inside to give and a big heart.

Janet Edwards Jan 23, 2012 at 2:49 pm Flag as inappropriate

Please pray for me. I recommitted my life to Jesus last evening. I am facing a horrible situation and face losing family and everything else. I know that Jesus Christ is in control and will stay beside me through this whole ordeal. I need people to pray me through this mess. Psalm 30:5 says that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. I just have to trust God.

Carol Apr 26, 2013 at 3:01 pm Flag as inappropriate

Please pray for me. A four year relationship may have ended that has meant so very much to me. I am trusting in The Lord that HE will give me the guidance I now need to find the peace I am looking for. Please also pray for my friend who also needs prayer. May God Bless

Michael Oct 15, 2013 at 5:43 pm Flag as inappropriate

I was asked to participate in ministry I know that god wants new to be there. I am excited to what he has in store, but I am struggling with perception towards other co leaders. I am seeking employment. I am new at this so if I am not doing this correct please feel free to contact me.

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