thoughts from the heart

October 8, 2010 by albert   Comments (4)

Father God and Jesus I sit here humbly before you both asking for the peace to return to my life. I have always sought the love of others in this world rather than the love of you both. I have learned the hard way that true love and spirit peace can only come by surrendering one's life completely to the both of you. I ask for all my sins to be forgiven and for all my proudness to go away. I cannot stand to see my parents and brother suffer for me. I would like the peace of mind and spirit and joy to return to my life and that of my loved ones. That is why I pray for your hands to be laid upon me and heal me completely. I rebuke satan completely and all the lies he has generated in my life. I seek you God and Jesus to show me the true path to happiness and eternal life. Please help me! In the name of Jesus Christ! Amen

my heart and soul greatly appreciate your solidarity with me. God bless you and your loved ones always. in Jesus name AMEN

albert Oct 10, 2010 at 5:38 pm Flag as inappropriate

Father, I ask that your Holy Spirit would council, guide and direct albert... that he would feel your peace. In Jesus Holy name! Amen :)

Beth Dow Oct 18, 2010 at 11:20 am Flag as inappropriate

beth dow thanks for those words three days ago-i am slowly starting to feel JESUS' peace in my life-may the peace I feel continue to grow stronger. I bless you in all your prayers that they may come true.

albert Oct 21, 2010 at 7:30 pm Flag as inappropriate