The Key to Effective Prayer

April 22, 2017 by michaelsanduso  

James 5:16 records an important statement about prayer: &ldquo.The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.&rdquo. What did the apostle James mean?

Interlinears and other translations show that the word .fervent .is not actually supported by the Greek of this passage, but the words .righteous .and .effective .definitely are. As the New International Version puts it, &ldquo.The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.&rdquo.

Dear God

April 22, 2017 by michaelsanduso  

"Dear God: Although I have ignored You for all these years, denied Your existence, and not appreciated all You have done for me, I'm in trouble now. And I know You're the only one Who can help."

what do you do when you had a really bad day?

March 3, 2017 by michaelsanduso   Comments (2)

what do you do when you had a really bad day you just could not shake off.

I attended a bible study this week. The woman who was helping the group was the same one that took the side of her friend bullied me last time

the wonders of being socially isolated means I have limited choice right now, i have heard that the guy who took the group suppose to be good....

anyway, half way through the group, this other girl acted in a very sensitive manner, and after i gave mine input, she said curtly " that is very good, BUT FOR ME, I feel..."

this woman immediately followed the suit and glared at me, and said same thing with a twist " I disagree because I HAD PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF GOD'S LOVE" like i was the one who acting like a cow, not her......

any advice on how do you shake off a bad day?

thank you

In The Car

March 1, 2017 by michaelsanduso   Comments (0)

O Lord,

An ambulance just went by. Father, I pray for Your mercy on who is injured in that ambulance. Father, use your hands of healing on them and bring them to the hospital safely. May it be that they will live through this and find You if they haven’t already. Father, reach for them and show them Your love. Be with the family of this person and comfort them through this time of pain and suffering. May Your name be glorified in this. I love You, Father! Amen

Love and Honor our parents?

March 1, 2017 by michaelsanduso   Comments (1)

Do I have to call my mom? If so, how often? 

My mom is 74-yrs old, and she lives in another state. We have never had any major fights, but that is because I try to placate her and never confront her. She lives alone and is healthy. She is mean, critical, self-centered, controlling and actually lies a lot. We see each other 3-4 a year, and after *almost* every visit, I am upset for at least a week trying to recover from her "subtle" digs, blatant rude remarks, negative reply to everything, and critical spirit.

I have never wanted to talk to her on the phone because of the above things I mentioned. Also, I really am not and never have been a "phone" person. Now, if she needed me I would drop anything and everything and be there. I spent many days with her helping her recover from knee replacement, and I took her to cataract's appts.

Unless she really needs me, I rather NOT talk to her, but every few months. Recently, I let 2 1/2 weeks go by without calling her and she left me a mean voice mail and told me "it was sad I was too busy to call her" and it's not fair that my sister has to be the one to check on her.

I am not a busy person at all, I simply don't like her and I don't like the way she treats me or anyone, and the more I am around her, the more I dislike her. She thinks senior citizens can do and say whatever they want, and should express discontent in stores, restaurants, anytime and place.

SO............. do I have to call per her expectation because I am commanded to honor and love? Am I supposed to let her impose her will on me? Am I suppose to subject myself to her nasty personality? 

Realize.. she can drive, she has friends, money, etc.. I am not talking about an old frail unhealthy women here.

Thanks for your time reading this and I appreciate your thoughts.

How do you end a prayer?

March 1, 2017 by michaelsanduso   Comments (2)

When I pray to Christ, I just say "amen." And when I pray to the Father and Holy Spirit, I say "in the name of Jesus." 

How do you end a prayer?

Son asked me today: To whom are we to pray, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

February 24, 2017 by michaelsanduso  

Answer: All prayer should be directed to our triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that we can pray to one or all three, because all three are one. To the Father we pray with the psalmist, “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray” (Psalm 5:2). To the Lord Jesus, we pray as to the Father because they are equal. Prayer to one member of the Trinity is prayer to all. Stephen, as he was being martyred, prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts 7:59). We are also to pray in the name of Christ. Paul exhorted the Ephesian believers to always give “thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Jesus assured His disciples that whatever they asked in His name—meaning in His will—would be granted (John 15:1616:23).

Kids asked me: How do you pray to the Lord?

February 23, 2017 by michaelsanduso  

I said:


  1. Show respect. Show respect by humbling yourself before God. ...
  2. Read from the Bible. You may want to begin by reading a passage from the Bible which has significance and meaning to you. ...
  3. Thank God. ...
  4. Ask forgiveness. ...
  5. Ask for guidance. ...
  6. Pray for others. ...
  7. Close your prayer.

How do Christians end a prayer?

February 23, 2017 by michaelsanduso  

Use a similar ending each time you pray. This will let people know when to join in on the Amen. “For Jesus' sake” is a little worn. “Through Jesus Christ our Lord” or “In the strong and loving name of Jesus” meet the biblical injunction to ask “in my name” (John 14:13-14).