what do you do when you had a really bad day?

March 3, 2017 by michaelsanduso   Comments (2)

what do you do when you had a really bad day you just could not shake off.

I attended a bible study this week. The woman who was helping the group was the same one that took the side of her friend bullied me last time

the wonders of being socially isolated means I have limited choice right now, i have heard that the guy who took the group suppose to be good....

anyway, half way through the group, this other girl acted in a very sensitive manner, and after i gave mine input, she said curtly " that is very good, BUT FOR ME, I feel..."

this woman immediately followed the suit and glared at me, and said same thing with a twist " I disagree because I HAD PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF GOD'S LOVE" like i was the one who acting like a cow, not her......

any advice on how do you shake off a bad day?

thank you

I usually sing songs of worship / praise and when I'm done I always feel renewed by Him

unmerited favour Mar 3, 2017 at 3:36 pm Flag as inappropriate

Ask Jesus if you should go back. :) If He leads you to go, pray for Him to take care of
you and to guide the conversation of the group / that He have his will, be in the midst,
/ pray to forgive others as 'they do not know what they do'/ and to give you communication with others in the social time. We don't know what others are going thru/ and real bullies are very insecure and jealous. Silently you can 'say' 'Lord take
care of it.' I agree praise brings Him into the situation and sends the enemy packing. :)

laney Mar 8, 2017 at 1:17 am Flag as inappropriate