
February 13, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

Definition.... Intercession is standing in the gap and interceding on behalf of everything eg land,family,kids,friends and ones life.

1) Be acquainted with current affairs,
- have a prayer point,
- watch and pray.

2) In intercession their is Revelations, on this please read the following scriptures..
- Isaiah 60:1-22
- Amos 3:7
- Deuteronomy 29:29

3) Identify Gods Voice by developing an hearing Ear ... On this please read the following scriptures
- Revelation 2:1-29
- Revelation 3:1-22
*may we have a listening ear and may we hear you Lord and may God guide us all .

4) Intimacy with God
- when in intimacy with God praying will not be a usual thing,iy becomes a life style.
- when one had intimacy with God he will hear you and you'll be able to hear Him
- John 15:3
- Ecclesiastes 2:26
Please read,

5) Identifications of Gaps
- Identify the gaps where you want to stand in I.e family,kids,business,nations, and any other gap in your life and surroundings.
- A father and mother should have a foresight of their children,(what they will become in the future) we see this in
* Genesis 49:1
- also be able to Identify gaps in your personal life and stand in them.

6) Be responsible and have Discipline
- A person who can subdue for God.
- Discipline in prayers and all you do or intend to do.

> Break covenants of people before you and who said a word over your life .
> Healing of the land... We see this in 2 Chronicles 7:14
> Cut off barrenness,and become fruitful .. John 5:15
> Establish Gods council
> It brings Glory to God

BE PATIENT (James 5:7-11)

February 12, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (2)

Brothers and sisters,be patient,the Lord will come. So be patient until that time. Look at the farmers. They have to be patient,they have to wait for their valuable crops to grow and produce a harvest. They wait patiently for the first rain and the last rain. You must be patient too. Never stop hoping. The Lord is coming soon. Brothers and sisters,don't complain against each other. If you don't stop complaining, you will be judged guilty. And the judge is ready to come!
Brothers and sisters,follow the example of the prophets who spoke for the Lord. They suffered many bad things,but they were patient. And we say that those who accepted their troubles with patience now have God's blessing. You have heard about Jobs patience. You know that after all his troubles,the Lord helped him. This shows that the Lord is full of mercy and kind.

May we embrace patience and learn to wait upon God to fulfill what we have taken to Him in prayers. May we never be ashamed of saying that He is our Lord and savior of our lives . Lord strengthen our feeble hands and feeble feet as your blessings come to us that we may be strong to get to that other level of our lives and we won't disappoint you Aba Father. May we keep on been patient no matter what and may we not come to you in doubt and may we not complain of each other. Lord may we live with love for one another and serve you with pure hearts ♥. Lord all the Glory we give to You, we worship You Lord there is no other God besides You , we love and Adore You in Jesus name Amen..... God bless you all

GIVE YOURSELF TO GOD....(James 4:1-10)

February 12, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (1)

Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that make war inside you. You want things,but you don't get them. So you kill and are jealous of others. But you still cannot get what you want. So you argue and fight. You don't get what you want because you don't ask God . Or when you ask,you don't receive anything,because the reason you ask is wrong. You only want to use it for your own pleasure.
You people are not faithful to God! You should know that loving what the world has is the same as hating God. So anyone who wants to be friends with this evil world becomes Gods enemy. Do you think the scriptures mean nothing? The scriptures say , The Spirit God made to live in Us wants us only for Himself. But the kindness God shows is greater. As the scriptures say, God is against the proud, but he is kind to the humble.
So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil,and he will run away from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. You are sinners,so clean sin out of your lives. You are trying to follow God and the world at the same time. Make your thinking pure. Be sad,be sorry, and cry! Change your laughter into crying. Change your joy into sadness. Be humble before the Lord,and he will make you great.

...... Lord God we come to your throne with our humble hearts ♥,clean us from our sins ,wash us clean from the sins we know and the sins we don't know and the sins committed by our ancestors. For your a merciful,loving God,may we separate ourselves from the things of the world and live for YOU Lord for your kingdom as everything we desire. Aba Father fill us with the right Spirit and may we dwell in your house forever Amen


February 11, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

Walked down the garden,
The soil so soft not harden
Each and every flower,
Lilies,sunflower,carnations,rose flowers 💐 so cute and beautiful
Nothing could harm them,
The owner so watchful

Suddenly,I see these two flowers 💐 together
Wow, they looked so compatible,so loving,
Everybody in the owners family admired them so much
That mostly they wouldn't resist touching.

Then one morning,
I went to the garden and found that one of them missing
I ran to the owner and asked him if he knew what was happening
Surprisingly he just smiled at me and said,
The flowers 💐 are so beautiful to both stay outside
That's why he had to have one flower in the house
And the other one in the garden 🏡.....


February 11, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (6)

Tell this to the brothers and sisters there. This will show that you are a good servant of Christ Jesus. You will show that you are made strong by the words of Faith and good teaching you have followed. People tell silly stories that don't agree with God's truth. Don't follow what these stories teach. But teach yourself to be Devoted to God. Training your body helps you in some ways. But Devotion to God helps you in every way. It brings you blessings in this life and in the future life too . Here is a true statement that should be accepted without question. We hope in the living God,the savior of all people. In particular,He is the savior of all those who believe in Him . This is why we work and struggle.
Command and teach these things. You are young but don't let anyone treat you as if you are not important. Be an example to show the believers how they should live. Show them by what you say, by the way you live, by your love ❤, by your Faith, and by your pure life....


February 9, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

My brothers and sisters you will have many kinds of trouble. But this gives you a reason to be very know that when your Faith is tested,you learn to be patient in suffering. If you let that patience work in you,the end result will be good . You will be mature and complete. You will be all that God wants you to be.
Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom.
But when you ask God, you must believe. Don't doubt him, whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is blown up and down by the wind.
People like that are thinking two different things at the same time. They can never decide what to do. So they should not think they will receive anything from the Lord.
..... May we trust in God in all we do n may we have the patience to want for God to make a way n provide for our needs, may we live for Him n Him alone. May your will be done in Us as it is in Heaven Amen

The power of Faith n Prayers

February 8, 2017 by unmerited favour   Comments (3)

So I tell you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things,then they will be yours. When you are praying and you remember that you are angry with another person about something,forgive that person. Forgive them so that your Father in heaven will also forgive your sins. ... Mark 11:24-26