
May 7, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

I have been spending a lot of time outdoors in God's creation. I have to enjoy it, I have a truly Broken Heart and God keeps it going. I have noticed one big difference when this had little Faith it was weed covered and dry. Since I have woken up and tended to this lend it is Green and full of Flowers and birds. It is amazing how the enviroment reacts to the Spirit around it and put into it. I used to spend a lot of time near Mt. St. Helens, that is my very first memory. My parents always say I was to young to see it, but I remember it vividly seeing the ash cloud. My grandma had a house that would have been demolished had the volcano blown up normaly. It is amazing seeing the impact zone then seeing the area next to it, both Beautiful in different ways though. The Beauty of nature and the power of nature side by side.

Approach with a positive attitude a positive reaction is usually what you will have.

Approach with a negative attitude a negative reaction is usually what you will have.

The aspect that you view the world from can change your entire life. It is free and you can start at anytime. It does not require a therapist or a doctor. Embrace Love,Truth and all things good and that is what embraces you. 

Straight Ahead

May 1, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

There are a lot of influences out there trying to steer people off course. I know people use bad stuff to manipulate peoples minds. That is why it is important to keep the Lords protection Psalm 91 For example. Then when it comes to your foundation and faith put on those blinders like they put on horses that keeps their eyes straight ahead, do not let the objects approaching from the side steer you off course. The Lord already cleared your path just stay on it. That is a solid Foundation. Your foundation in the Lord should not be like sand on the beach that shifts every tide.

Again (Psalm 91)- This is an important one - 


May 1, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (1)

You should never change erase or forget history even if its painful. Humanity wrote down everything for a reason the History of past souls are lessons to the present. Imagine a tribe way way back in time in the Amazon. There are two men in the Jungle and they find a really brite neat little frog so one man dares the other to lick the frog and his friend licks it and soon after falls dead. The other man runs to the village and writes it down Dont eat the colorful Frogs. The village then finds uses for the Frogs and knows to avoid the poison. Imagine if the man didn't want to give the frogs a bad reputation so he told nobody. History can hurt, but you learn from it. Plus erasing History can get those it involves agitated. People should respect the spirits who came before them when walking on the same ground. The Spirits are people so put yourself in their shoes. They are not things or objects of entertainment.

Community Rally Points

April 30, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

All communities large or small should make designated rally points. Keeping things soley dependent on electronics is a weakness. If cell service or phone lines went down or long term power outages. Regardless of anything it is a safety cushion. Then people could meet up and help with eachothers needs and share information, atleast it gives some order. Or at least until we perfect the can and string phones lol.


April 30, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

Service to the Lord comes with Reward. So that then means You can serve and live a regular life and still be rewarded with eternal life and Heaven. There is also the option to go above and beyond. I doubt you get kicked out for doing to much. I just think of those Christians being beheaded and raped. Then Christians here being hung out to dry like they are running around causing the problems (when it is clearly not them claiming Jihad on society) I believe they would like a little above and beyond. Unrighteousness forges Righteousness and when there is a vacuum or lack there of the righteousness balls up just as Truth then it packs punch.

Truth, Honor, Righteousness, loyalty,Trust- These are all linked and driven by Love.

The Greatest Reward there is, is to Serve the Lord, That is what I believe -to always carry That sense of purpose.

Pureness, Clearity, Function

April 29, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (5)

God is not the author of confusion. With the Father and Lord Jesus Christ and his Angels order is kept. Basically removing the protection of God is like removing the Spiritiual Authorities. He never Forsakes his Children that Believe, I would say Believe and Aim High, keep your mistakes in check, We make them, The Father and Lord do not. The presence of anything that is from him is unmistakeable, ever been consumed by Love. You Have To Try It:)

Never accept a wish. Easy come easy go.

All good things are earned. If it sounds to go to be it's probably a trap.

When you Steal from another you may be stealing their blessing. Purposely steal a blessing lose many blessings. Stealing of Blessings leads to bitterness. The says not all will recieve his blessings because the wickedness will be so thick they will be snatched up. I know we all want to feel Happy.

That voice that tells you not to do something or go somewhere or date someone "Listen" you can feel when something is fowl, people do put off what they are carrying. Truely Evil souls usually comes in the form Nice, The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing.

Just Stick to the Father and Lord Believe in God and The Son Jesus Christ. Love, Care and understand. Do not put your Soul up for Sale The Lord just wants your Love and Trust and to have Beautiful Souls that can co exist with Love.

Never Underestimate the Power of God.

Going back to Spiritual Authorities. Imagine removing Every one of our  Federal officers, Police Officers basically anyone tasked to keep order. The Criminals would run wild and there would be chaos, basically its the same when you remove God and The Lord from the Foundation on which the Blessed the Nation With, one big role the USA is, supposed to carry and a reason it is Blessed is Its Loyalty to Israel and its people.

The Nation Has a Lot of Honor in it, it is a shame when you see its own people hate their own Nation so much these days. I used to feel a love for this Nation, I mean I still love it, but it is in the air like the spirit of love and honor of this Nation Just feels strange. 

When I was little I had a Vietnam era Combat Helmet and camo Clothes,and used to climb up on my picknic table and Sing the Star Spangled Banner every sunset as loud as I could. I was born to serve I guess.

Owning up to it!

April 22, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

I have not been perfect I have sinned on numerous occaisions. I have had immoral thoughts in my mind and have been angry when not warranted. I have had lies slip from my mouth in the past. I find it best to own up to your faults and your flaws if you do wrong appologize and admit where you went wrong. If you wrong somebody be humble enough to say im sorry i messed up. It is hard to better yourself or to evolve if you don't self anylize and try to reprogram best way to do that is get the stuff that holds you back out. If you have a guilt that won't come clean, come clean to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father. If you hide things even from yourself how can you become a better person. It is hard to be light if you keep part of yourself in the dark. I remember very much That we have a forgiving Lord beyond our grasp of forgiveness. Also that the Heavenly Fathers Wrath is easily turned, you just have to own up to where you went off course. Taking responsibility is admiriable and shows a motivation to change. You will find the feeling of forgiveness and the weight come off. The Lord Knows we tread in these human vessells and are subject to human flaws it happens. I think the key is realizing the error you made.

The Fair

April 2, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

 Imagine you go to a fair. They have gift bags at the entrance with cool things but some people in the staff start grabbing up some bags and they call their friends to come get some too. You arrive and there are no more left. So you get your tickets to go on the rides, but all the good rides are shut down because someone got sick. You go to the concession stands but they are shut down because someone felt offended by one of the themes. Then you decide to see the animals, but someone said they are like human beings, so they removed them. So you decide to leave and see a fence where people are riding rides and using the concession stands, but there is a sign that says Fair employees and animals only. That is the direction of this Nation. With all these Boycotts we are really only kicking ourselves. With this much division even products will end up group specific, what happened to the United, I live my life you live your life if you do not like eachothers ways you do not have to be roomates , just get along when your lives cross paths. This Nation was founded on the Jewish and Christian Faith so that is the foundation it stands on if you remove that then the foundation must be removed and it is start from scratch without God's blessings because you chose that not to be in your foundation. If the Lord Jesus Christ came today as he did before he wouldn't be decked out in bling. He came as a simple man and Teacher he lived among the people and loved them all. 

A person with Faith should not be forced into something, nor should anyone else if it breaches their morale compass. It would have been much better if people instead of lawsuits just said we won't go to that bakery and we will tell our friends not to. Instead they basically close the bakery. This is very dangerous ground for all buisness owners now of all Faiths and beliefs.

I think people need to start teaching more History on Empires destroyed. It always seems bad things happen when people abandon God. The Wolves come out to hunt, because the shepard and sheep dogs have been left behind.

I see now that everyone just sues eachother. I have seen the judgments made by some judges, I see a lot of agenda or one sided operation. Think of it this way they release terrorists, However if you accidently catch fed land on fire you go to prison. That really puts a lot of trust in a Govt that embraces illegals and says to hell with its vets.

The Bible and it's words are not the Harbinger. Humanity and it's actions are. The Bible tells humanity what to avoid in getting itself between a rock and a hard place. shutting off the lights, just makes it more likely you will stub your toe.

All Together

February 16, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (2)

If we all watch eachothers backs and love one another that creates hope, Hope fulfilled creates Happiness, Happiness fills life with everything that you desire. It is happiness most pursue, you just have to stop and think We all wish to be happy! Why is it so hard lol.Your not supposed to live constantly wondering what right they will strip away. This is not the home of the free anymore. This is not what this nation is supposed to be. I really don't appreciate the down talk that comes from politicians, they may be amazed how smart and attentive some of us are. 

I think we should elect 1st graders to run Governments,  When they cannot agree send them out on the field to play dodgeball. Laws would be written in crayon and probably less confusing. 180 dollars would be like 180,000,000,000 dollars to them so the debt would slow down. When they did something wrong they would actually listen lol. When we get tired of the bickering it could be nap time lol. They wouldn't have a clue what insider trading is, or care to know. It would give a new meaning to a senate recess. 

Enduring Soul

January 20, 2016 by Isaac   Comments (0)

The words of the Lord can act as auxiliary power unit. If you are down you need to engage your auxiliary power unit the truth of the Lord and King Jesus Christ. You must reach into yourself your very soul and say I will not be defeated. You are never defeated unless you accept defeat. Even in purgatory you can make a stand and not be defeated. You can defeat your tormentors with the Lord in your spirit they fear you as long as you know they fear you. You are what you make yourself. Even when you are physically disabled your strength has no limits with the Lord. There is no obstacle there is no mountain that can hinder you. You have God and his Angels on your side walk like it!!! You are armored and unstoppable Love and righteousness flow from your every decision and move. You stand for what is right and what is right stands for you.