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32 Days to a Flatter Belly

Not only is belly fat unsightly, but even a small amount can contribute to heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. In this edition of A Closer Look: 32 Days to a Flatter Belly, author and editor of Prevention magazine, Liz Vaccariello shares how you can find a healthier, more satisfying way of eating using The Flat Belly Diet.  You will also find the recipe for Cynthia's Sassy Water.

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Real Busy? Real Weight Loss

Registered dietician and author Heather Bauer knows busy people need simple solutions to manage their weight and health.  She came up with a simple, effective weight loss plan that fits seamlessly into a busy, demanding lifestyle. In this edition of A Closer Look: Real Busy? Real Weight Loss!, Heather gives meal and snack options that will help even the busiest person get back on track.

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Motivating Yourself for Change

Pastor Steve Reynolds had been overweight all of his life.  In 1999 he developed diabetes, and God began to speak to him about his unhealthy lifestyle.  What started as a private issue between Steve and the Lord became a journey in which Steve lost 100 pounds.  Now he's helping others get and stay motivated on their own weight-loss journeys.   In this edition of A Closer Look: Motivating Yourself for Change, Steve shares his inspirational story and motivation tips.

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End Stress Overload

Stress seems to be the price we pay for living fast paced lives.  Did you know that long periods of continuing stress is toxic to your body?  In this edition of A Closer Look, End Stress Overload, CBN News Reporter Gailon Totheroh shows you how to overcome the dangers of too much stress, and gives you the information you need to keep healthy and strong.

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Food that Fights Cancer

In her latest cookbook, Eating Well Through Cancer, author Holly Clegg wanted to give cancer patients recipes that would help them tolerate treatments better and maintain a healthy lifestyle after treatment.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Food that Fights Cancer, Holly shares with you the following recipes:  Sweet Potato Apple Walnut Muffins, Easy Chili, Tuna Salad, and Tropical Fruit Pizza.

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Delicious Desserts ... and good for you too!

Kim Bensen successfully lost 212 pounds and 14 dress sizes! In this edition of A Closer Look: Delicious Desserts—And Good for You Too!, Kim shares three of her favorite fall recipes with you: Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumpkin Pinwheels, and Autumn Bisque. She also shares tips to keep from gaining weight over the holidays.

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Fight Fat with Fiber

Doctors, nutritionists, and diet experts have known for years about the benefits of fiber. Dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables is readily available to most of us, but sometimes it's hard to consume all the servings needed in a given day. In this edition of A Closer Look: Fight Fat with Fiber, CBN News reporter Gailon Totheroh shares with us the most powerful fiber supplement availableā€”PGX.

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Walk the Walk to Fitness

Author and fitness expert Leslie Sansone has helped millions reach their fitness goals through her indoor walking workout. In this edition of A Closer Look: Walk the Walk to Fitness, Sansone shares how faith can inspire fitness and how fitness ca strengthen faith. She also shares exercise tips and how to get the most out of your walking workout.

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Beat Your Food Vices!

Do you love a juicy burger and cola? Can’t get enough of your favorite TV show? If you are like millions of other Americans, one of these vices is ruining you diet attempts. In this edition of A Closer Look, Beat Your Food Vices, author and motivator Julia Griggs Havey says breaking on of these bad habits can your entire life.

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Gear Up for Fitness

Personal fitness trainer Harry Hanson has helped shape-up some of Hollywood's biggest celebrities: Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, and Tom Cruise to name a few. In this edition of A Closer Look: Gear Up for Fitness, Harry shares information and tips to get your fitness program working for you.

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Eat Well When You Don't Cook

Duke Diet and Fitness Center doctors Martin Binks and Howard Eisenson teach you how to shop well and eat healthy, even if you don't cook.

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Move Your Way to Fitness

Here is a listing – with four descriptions – of the workout moves that Ralf Hennig and co-host Kristi Watts demonstrated live on The 700 Club. Ralf maintains that people who stay on the program see overall improvements in their bodies.

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Lose Weight Cardio-Free!

Want to kiss your treadmill goodbye? Author and fitness expert Jim Karas says you con. With 20 years of fitness experience, Karas has developed a 4 step program that builds lean muscles, boost metabolism, and benefits the heart—all with doing cardio workouts. Find out more in this edition of A Closer Look: Lose Weight Cardio-Free.

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Eat Out and Lose Weight

You don't have to compromise healthy eating for the convenience of dining out. Personal trainer and dietician Jim White says it’s okay to grab fast food. He further explains, " ... as long as you are making healthy choices, and do it in spurts." Read his keys to eating out while and staying healthy.

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Beach-Ready in 30 Days

Looking forward to sunny days ahead? In this edition of A Closer Look: Beach-Ready in 30 Days, fitness expert and dietician Jim White will help you get ready for summer with his 30 day nutrition plan.

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Five Ways to a Younger Body

Fitness expert Yedda Stancil is passionate about educating others on preventing and treating disease through a balanced lifestyle. In this edition of A Closer Look: 5 Ways To A Younger Body, Yedda shares her exercise test that will help you determine your body age, as well as share ways to keep your body young.

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Lose 30 Pounds in 90 Days!

Health and fitness expert Steve Zim has devoted his life to helping others get fit.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Lose 30 Pounds in 90 Days!, Steve shares his unique workout plan that will help you shed excess weight and feel great.  He also shares tips for smart snacking.

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Reverse Your Diet and Lose the Weight

Eating breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast may be just the answer for shedding those unwanted pounds.

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Your Checklist to a Long and Healthy Life

In this edition of A Closer Look: Your Checklist to a Long and Healthy Life, "Dr. Manny" Alvarez shares what everybody needs to know, do, and avoid in order to stay healthy throughout their life.

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A Healthy New You Resolution

You can fight stress this holiday season and all year long by simply making it a priority to take care of yourself.  In this edition of A Closer Look: A Healthy “New You” Resolution, author and celebrity fitness trainer Gunnar Peterson shares tips and information to help you keep your fitness plan on track and going strong.

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