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Lose Stress, Not Sleep!

Are you tired all the time? Author and doctor James Maas says that not getting enough sleep can have devastating effects on your life and health, including stress and weight gain. In this edition of A Closer Look: Lose Stress, Not Sleep!  Dr. Maas shares his four golden rules for a great night’s sleep, as well as specific sleep strategies get help you get the rest you need.

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Protect Yourself from Toxic Stress

Doctor and author Pamela Peeke says that unrelenting stress in our lives can have a dangerous, even life-threatening effect on the body.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Protect Yourself from Toxic Stress, Dr. Peeke gives specific steps you can take to de-stress your life this holiday season and everyday.

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Step Into Health

According to fitness expert Donna Richardson, leading a healthy life comes from establishing balance in our lives. In this edition of A Closer Look: Step into Health, Donna shares four foundational steps to help us S-T-E-P into a healthier lifestyle.

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Smart & Savvy Recipes

Carrie Latt Wiatt, author of Portion Savvy (Pocket Books 1999), is the Founder and President of Diet Designs, Inc.– a Los Angeles-based food business with many celebrity clients. She says portion savvy isn’t about going on a diet at all. It's about relearning your needs and how to satisfy them.

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Healthy Meals in Minutes

Bodybuilder Daniel Jordan says that healthy eating doesn't have to be time-consuming or complicated.  In this edition of A Closer Look: Healthy Meals in Minutes, Daniel shares recipes that cook up in 4-6 minutes! Daniel also shares tips for a healthier lifestyle.

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Fitness Secrets of the Hollywood Stars

Fitness guru Steve Zim has helped many people transform their bodies for over twenty years – including Hollywood celebrities and star athletes. In this edition of A Closer Look: Fitness Secrets of the Hollywood Stars, Steve will share tips to help you improve your appearance and feel great.

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Affordable Fitness at Home

Jim White, founder of Jim White Fitness Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, recommends affordable ways you can get in shape in your own home.

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Discover the Habits of Happy People

What are the habits that happy people practice that make them happy? Do they smile more? Do they watch more funny movies and TV shows? Or do happy people collect more "toys" – expensive cars, palatial homes, extravagant vacations - than unhappy people? Find out in this edition of A Closer Look, Discover the Habits of Happy People!

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Pat and Kristi's exercise demonstrations

Whether you are new to the fitness scene or an old pro, Pat has exercises and health tips that will have you looking and feeling great.

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Diabetes: Reduce Your Child's Risk

Twenty years ago, type 2 diabetes, once know as "adult-onset" diabetes, was rarely seen in teenagers, let alone children under 12 years old. But poor diet and sedentary lifestyles have led to an explosion of type 2 diabetes in children. Thankfully, something can be done to prevent it.  Dr. Sheri Colberg-Ochs, Ph.D. and author, shares with you important information for your family in this edition of A Closer Look, Diabetes: Reduce Your Child's Risk!

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Raising Healthy Kids Latino Style

The traditional Latino diet is healthier then the typical American diet.  In this edition of A Closer Look, Raising Healthy Kids Latino Style!, author and registered dietician Claudia Gonzalez shares with you suggestions for healthy living that everyone can benefit from. 

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Overcoming Eating Disorders

“Overcoming Eating Disorders” is a valuable resource that explains common eating disorders and how you can find help for yourself or someone you love.

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You Can End Muscle Pain

Do you suffer from intense muscle pain when you exercise or just in your daily life? Check out these tips to eliminating muscle pain.

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You Can End Back Pain

According to physical therapist Robert Maroon, PT ,back pain is taking a serious toll on the US population. Studies show that $50 billion dollars a year is spent on treating low back pain; and 80 percent of Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life.

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You Can End Foot Pain

Dr. Arnold Beresh, a podiatrist in Hampton and Newport News, Virginia, discussed foot pain and common foot ailments with host Pat Robertson on The 700 Club. Dr.Beresh, certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, believes that understanding the anatomy of the foot plays an integral part in a patient's plan to eliminate foot pain and achieve optimal foot health for a lifetime.

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You Can End Joint Pain

You might be among the millions suffering from arthritis, a serious and potentially crippling disease.This disease erodes or damages your joints, as well as the muscle and connective tissue surrounding them. See what you can do to help end this pain through dietary changes.

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Supplements for a Brain-Advantage

Here are ten of Dr. Roizen's recommendations for protecting your brain and giving yourself a brain-advantage!

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Body Score Quiz

In their book, Eat, Drink & Weigh Less, authors Mollie Katzen and Dr. Walter Willett, bring you back to the real foundation of healthy living: eating what’s good for you and getting regular exercise.  Through their practical guidelines and good-for-you recipes, you can make healthy changes you can live with for life.

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Stroke Quiz: Are You at Risk?

Would you recognize the warning signs of a stroke? Do you know the number one way you can prevent a stroke from happening to you or a loved one? Take our quiz below and learn these answers and more.

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Stress Test: Are You Headed for a Meltdown?

Take Dr. Mosca's Stress Test and see if your health and heart are at risk, and find ways to manage your stress.

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